Is Leslie Jones a giantess or are the other three women very short?
Is Leslie Jones a giantess or are the other three women very short?
I would tend to be sympathetic towards the players because I work in academia, and have found that the privacy requirements around all misbehavior make everything insane. I had a colleague who wasn’t told that their student had committed suicide until she finally tracked down their advisor to ask why they weren’t in…
Honestly, I feel like she made the big mistake that usually happens: talking about Natives/First Nations people like they’re a single ideology. Sure, the Navajos had them some skinwalkers, but the Mohawks didn’t. The Utes didn’t. The Chippewa Didn’t. The Choctaws thought witches could turn into owls that would eat…
Hey, unless oral counts, I was. I think I was a “technical virgin” until . . . 27? That’s probably right. They say you never forget your first time; I did. Though I will say I have never been “athletic.”
Seriously. Alito is truly a nasty little piece of work who has basically been overshadowed up until now because even though he has Scalia’s alleycat morality, he’s nowhere near as bright.
That is . . . a big jump for me. Given the kind of portrait the writer works up for her, I would say it suggests, instead, that he feels she was trying to adjust to new flirting and sexual norms culturally while also figuring out just how to be an adolescent, and it left her less prepared for the form the assault…
I would like to volunteer to force pro-lifers to physically devour your corpse at gunpoint. Let them literally eat their crimes.
Ah, yes, the “No soap radio!” phenomenon.
There are (MANY!) places in the world where surrogacy is flat-out illegal, for various reasons and in various places. It’s possible that some of those places would consider this a different, and more permissible, option - though it’s unlikely to be be permitted in the countries where surrogacy is illegal because they…
I realize this wouldn’t work for an 81-year-old woman, but I fantasize about this response:
When I go on my mass shooting spree, I hope to shit the news doesn’t use a picture of me in which I’m wearing an apron and a sleeveless undershirt.
Colorado would genuinely be a safer and better place if his brains had been violently sprayed across a cinderblock wall at the age of fifteen. There were nearly two thousand students in the school that day; being a stupid fucking douchebag in response is a choice made by only a few.
Michael Moore might be kind of a lunatic, but this bit of his from his book Downsize This still makes me giggle:
I’m gonna be honest, I never liked that book. I haven’t read it since I was about fourteen, so maybe my experience would be different now - but my first and only reading made me think, “Wow, so black people are so incompetent that they need to be saved by the Great White Father? Screw you, Atticus.”
LIES. I think we all know that Vermin Supreme is the candidate of choice for our lord and savior.
Jesus Christ, thank you. I thought it was just me.
That’s crazy. Everyone knows that “love” ain’t nothing but sex misspelled.
The picture made me sad because it reminded me that she and Danny DeVito split up. Then I looked it up, and I found out they reconciled in 2013! FAVORITE COUPLE FOREVER!
That’s silly.