Short answer: No.
Short answer: No.
Yeah, I understand that there might be very good reasons why this decision was so long in coming. Pregnant women are already subject to so much heavy scrutiny that, for many, being subject to mental health screenings like this may be more stressful than helpful.
My entire experience of Pittsburgh is limited to learning to hate it in The Last of Us, so I’m just surprised she wasn’t eviscerated and then set on fire.
I used to own a YA novel called Tessie that was written by a guy named, I shit you not, Jesse Jackson. It was about a black girl who wins a scholarship to a mostly-white private school. I totally wish I hadn’t gotten rid of it in one of my book purges a few years ago. It had a whole weird sequence in which Tessie’s…
The hippie granola grocery co-op I’m a member of just did a huge remodel that included three gender-neutral, single-stall bathrooms. Some people freaked the fuck out, which was very confusing to me. There were women, specifically, who were absolutely outraged at the prospect of having to use the same bathroom as men -…
I always associated American Eagle with my mother forcibly dragging me there on shopping trips when I was in high school, but I’ll be damned if Aerie doesn’t make some excellent underwear.
In one of my many work incarnations, I was Worst Nanny Ever for an eleven-year-old boy. It wasn’t actually my job - I was told I would get some money for it but never did - but one of my housemates had me look after her kid during the day for a couple of months. I immediately discovered that his mother had never…
I bought that fucking weird TV show the second it was available on DVD. The last four episodes or so (when they found out the show had been cancelled and were wrapping it all up) are a train wreck, but I’m still a little in love with the show. I have watched some of the worst shit just because it had actors from Americ…
My father once mailed me a copy of Playboy. I had mentioned on the phone that I wanted to read something in the current issue and was thinking about buying a copy, which is how I found out he had a subscription. Thanks, Dad, that wasn’t totally fucking horrifying in any way.
“Hold on, I always have a speculum in my purse for occasions just like this! We’ll see in just a jiffy!”
In my thirteen years of apartment life, the only time I’ve had a dishwasher was when I was living in the basement of an actual house. Where the hell do you live, for dishwashers to be standard and not a luxury?
My current one-bedroom place doesn’t have a light in the main/living room, though it does have a number of confusing light switches that don’t appear to actually control any outlets.
Will the subplot revolve around Rousey’s distaste for transwomen, or her Sandy Hook truther tendencies?
If she genuinely thinks Trump has a good economic policy, she is dumb as shit.
I loved him in Bored to Death, and a line from that show is how I always think of him now: “like a buff Samuel Beckett.”
She’s totally zoned out and fantasizing about pistol-whipping Geraldine Ferraro.