
I was just old enough to watch the show when it first aired and understand/appreciate it. Until I rewatched the whole thing on Netflix . . . last year, I think . . . I had forgotten about all the times the show implied that Mulder spends like 85% of his off-screen time watching porn and masturbating like a crazed

Dillon: “We’re still getting our shit together.”

I hope they keep it, just because it’s so breathtakingly nutso. I would, however, also support a replacement image in which the wrestling scene is poorly redrawn by a local artist and ends up being unintentionally and hilariously homoerotic.

Big Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy: The Martian

If you succeed at not being a woman, then don’t end up incarcerated.

Someone I knew in grad school has been teaching there for ten years. She seemed sort of superficially okay when I knew her, but I think there has to be something fundamentally flawed about you when you have decided to devote your career to a place where you can be fired for doubting doctrine. I know when I applied to

Yeah, I was confused by that, too. Apparently spousal privilege doesn’t apply if the case in question involves a legal contract between spouses (like, say, a prenuptual agreement, which makes sense). Because Camille was also Cosby’s business manager, their conversations in which she was acting as his legal manager are

To boot, it sounds as though it’s a five-year-old still in diapers. Something ain’t right there.

I read that book in fifth grade, as part of the “advanced” reading group. One of my clearest memories of that year is my teacher reading aloud a section without apparently remembering everything that was in it, and breaking into hysterical laughter when she got to a description of Sammy’s “tiny penis bobbing up and

So petty on UO’s part. Literally all they would need to do is change the name of the merchandise in question to “Southwestern print” and they could be free of the problem.

Now playing

The Ugly One with the Jewels, Laurie Anderson, is a goddamned amazing soul who’s better than we deserve. I’ve been lucky enough to see her twice in concert, and both performances were amazing.

Are you trying to get gun shops attacked by BEARS?! That’s attempted murder, yo.

“What are you in jail for?”

I really wish Rolf Harris’ UK trial for sexual assault were better known in the US. It has some similarities to the Cosby case and, while I’m not entirely happy with the outcome, the experiences of the women who testified provide a model for how Cosby’s victims might be offered a voice. Many of the women who took the

I remember my mother laughing hysterically at this comic panel when I was a kid. It took me like ten years to understand why it was funny.

They should absolutely keep it. My favorite toys growing up were the totally messed-up ones: the bald Care Bear,the stuffed rabbit with two left legs, and, of course, the “sand” box that was actually full of rocks because my dad filled it with a bunch of dry cement that he stole from a construction site. (He thought

Well, there was the whole thing in San Fran about making the nudists put down a damn towel when they’re on public transportation.

My grad school university had a research project which attempted to gauge whether Tasers were potentially lethal when used on people who were in chemically altered states.

Absolute garbage person. The social safety net is the only reason she, her mother, and her daughter were able to have the possibilities they did. Now she’ll slit the throat of anyone else born in her circumstances.

I keep imagining these increasingly awkward conversations between Trump and his daughter: