
I can kind of see it. I just had a night out with a bunch of people that included a guy with an Indian heritage, I asked him where he was from. “Connecticut,” he says, which is the answer I was after.

I had a student write a paper all about how affirmative action was bad, because it put non-white people into positions where they would inevitably fail. I was so pissed off, because:

Oh, my god. I was (and am) a horrible person to go shopping with for clothes, because I hate it so very much.

I’m certified to teach English as a foreign language and, I have to say, I think I’m a pretty good teacher.

I know. It took me a while to say, “Wait, is she . . . riding a horse . . . made of people?”

I got home with a fucking DREAMBOAT from the department holiday party. I literally have no idea why he agreed to come home with me. I am in the territory of the ugly bi woman you’ll do if you’re curious about whether I have sex toys. He was the perfect liberal crush: whip-smart, attractive in a Jeff Goldblum way,

Here’s a real story:

You’re missing the fact that they also get to expell (or reject) single pregnant women.

Big Wheels! bigwheelsbigwheelsbigwheelsbigwheels

That’s cool; I know some ELCA Lutherans and UU Ministers who -

You sound like a vicious, disgusting asshole; I’m not surprised you were spit out of the Catholic system.

I genuinely wonder sometimes if the American deification of the military contributes to stuff like this. Like, “Oh, hey, I’m a hero now. I could die, for god’s sake. Anything else I do is no harm, no foul, because I’m still an automatic goddamned hero.” It seems to be a factor in how some cops work, after all.

I was weirdly bummed when I found out Elizabeth Moss was a Scientologist. I guess it was because I read Dianetics, and found it to be not just . . . stupid, but horrifyingly misogyinistic, and I can’t believe any intelligent woman would read that and think, “Yep, that’s the place for me.” (Did you know that most of

While this is pretty terrible and I hope justice prevails, I did smile a little, because it reminded me of one of the most perfect descriptions I’ve ever heard of someone.

Now playing

I know it’s because I’m younger, but when I think of Burt Reynolds, I think of him as the smart, benevolent, irresponsible god hat he appeared as on the X-Files.

Having attended a school that had a mass shooting (I was not present, but had two friends die during it), I have high anxiety over shootings on my current campus. I literally have an escape/hiding plan for every classroom and office I use.

Well, I mean, there is a difference. American Dad is, I feel, a show that derives a lot of its humor from intentional cruelty. Stan basically hates both of his children; Roger uses and throws people away like Kleenex.

Mmmmmmaybe we should stop expecting athletes - all athletes to be role models and just assume they’re blocks of meat that can sometimes speak.

“Why is there tuna and corn on this pizza? WHY?!”

The one thing I liked about Elmo’s World is that it has some of Michael Jeter’s last performances before his death in 2003. (He was Mr. Noodle’s brother, Mr. Noodle.) It was nice to see him get to do physical comedy, even in a minor capacity.