I don’t really know anything about her, but regardless, this is a pretty awesome “Come at me, bro” moment.
I don’t really know anything about her, but regardless, this is a pretty awesome “Come at me, bro” moment.
Have you heard of Munchausen’s, and specifically Munchausen’s by proxy? It’s a thing where people intentionally make others sick in order to gain attention and sympathy; it’s pretty frequently mothers with children.
I’m super white and I support this message.
He has Old Man Pants Syndrome.
I predict about forty-five seconds of instructional patience on my part before forcibly ejecting from the room any student fussing with one/wearing one that goes off.
Heh. My first thought on seeing the headline was, “Oh, did she discover it because she hit her head in the fucking doorway?”
I seriously don’t understand what the hell this is doing in a courtroom. It’s a private Catholic school. They can throw your kid out for getting pregnant or being gay if they want to. Hell, for practically any reason, because private religious schools have special abilities to treat people like shit.
THANK GOD I’m not the only person who thought “double-tap for Caleb” was a call for violent, assassin-style gun deaths to avenge his death.
High Roller is my hero. He seems like he’s living his best life.
I carefully mummify all my stillbirths. They’re stacked in the liquor store boxes behind the extra hand towels.
I’ve really liked some wedding favors I’ve received. The jar of - I am not making this up - Sriracha-flavored sea salt was weird and cool, but I’ve never actually used the thing. I don’t actually know what I’d put it on.
I still have a picture of myself and a bridesmaid smiling and pointing at our plates full of NACHOS at the reception’s NACHO BAR.
How fucking psychotic do you have to be to listen to your own grandchildren begging you to leave them with one surviving parent tell them that your need for revenge is more important to you?
No Catholic institution has ever regretted treating women like second-class garbage whose only function is to be bred until they die.
We need to change medical certification boards. You don’t get to be a licensed doctor or nurse if you will not participate in an abortion or hand out birth control. If you refuse, you lose your license.
When I was driving my undergrad roommate to her dad’s place in rural Indiana circa 2000, we went under a cast-iron John Birch Society sign. I laughed so hard we almost ended up in a cornfield.
I’m reading an appropriate amount of information written by an affluent woman about how similarly affluent women should appear non-affluent and yet stylish while traveling via the appropriate jewelry.
Oh, so YOU’RE the fucking piece of shit that thinks there should be more abortions. Because, see, when I’m working the tables at a Planned Parenthood event, I often say, politely, “We do believe abortion should be legal, safe, and rare. We have a ton of inform- what’s that? Oh, I’m not pro-choice, I’m pro-abortion?…
I have lived in Madison, WI, as a government employee. I have had the governor of my own state call me a thug and decide I deserve fewer legal rights than private citizens. I have watched the state pass through law that illegalized both gay marriage and legal unions. (Until, of course, the recent Supreme Court…