Brooklyn Nets with 2 in the top-10. Talk about your all-time franchise turnarounds!
Brooklyn Nets with 2 in the top-10. Talk about your all-time franchise turnarounds!
Probably due to name recognition and “muh... 20 WINS!”, but Cole really should. He has ever-so-slightly better numbers except he has struck out like 20 more people.
I should have known that a country in which this guy is a quasi-famous author whose career is built on largely anecdotal evidence would elect Trump as president.
The Dollop podcast on Action Park was fantastic.
Great they’ve made cylons. Nothing can go wrong with that.
It’s a Murdoch rag, so the checks probably wouldn’t amount to much to begin with.
Incoming “cancel culture is ruing our society” calls to WEEI are going to triple now.
The problem I see is that now he’s likely to attract sold-out shows of Breitbart readers who probably don’t think he’s all that funny anyway, but will always show-up to support anybody owning the libs. This will lead him to become the next Nick DePaula tailoring his entire act around this event in order to maintain…
I read shit like this and somehow I think other NFL teams are just taking the wrong lessons from the Patriots.
Dude, the “Can’t handle the pressure of NYC” is the worst of sports takes, and I’m a Yankee fan. Do better.
Pettite would likely be in if it weren’t for the PEDs thing. Schilling is a bordeline case whose general assholery knocks him out, so I have hope CC being good enough and a great person will get him in eventually.
Hopefully not related to Suzyn, as I’ve just started to not think she’s the worst.
Yeah, like, people shouldn’t be striving to NOT hit people. That should be the default stance.
They won’t even have to change her name for the character! They can even work some corny pun into the title and call it something like Patience is a Virtue and have it be about a skating couple that waits too-long to consummate their obvious hard-ons for each other, then when they finally quit their storied careers…
Yeah that sounds tense.
I love it for this reason. I’m never as productive during the off-season because washing dishes, folding laundry, mowing the lawn, weeding, tidying up, or even just reading a book is never as good without the hum of of the game on in the background. I’m always more interested in doing those things because I’m excited…
I can’t have a screen on in the room and NOT look at it. It’s why I never have romantic dinners in places with tons of TVs in-view, and it’s also why I don’t have a television in my house.
A perfect night for me involves the Yankees on the radio, a good book in one hand and an Old Fashioned on the other.
He should wear the sign from Die Hard with a Vengeance.
I’d like to say it’s a lock, but there’s a lot of haughty dip-shittery that can happen between now and publication time.