
I honestly don’t care about Winds of Winter anymore. It’s been 8 years since I finished A Dance of Dragons and I couldn’t remember most of the book only plot points if you put a gun to my head. I can’t be arsed working my way through a wiki to get refreshed on the plot points.

Extra Credit Reading List:

Geeze, who said this thing was going to have awful blindspots...

A reminder, too, that there are only 13 women in the House GOP caucus. This after the election in which a record 89 Democratic women were elected to the House. Hey, at least the number lines up pretty well with their outdated, fundamentalist attitude towards a full half the population.

And I will at this time further expound upon the “marrying up” concept. Dax is adorable, and sweet, and nice, and clearly absolutely crazy about his wife. These are VERY ATTRACTIVE QUALITIES. How are we supposed to pick our spouses? Bell chose the nicest guy in the room. Given the option, why would anyone do otherwise?

Maybe they’re just good records

Another former AV darling, Wye Oak, had the #1 album of 2011 but nowhere on this list. Weirdly,the #8 album of that year is now also the #8 album of the decade.

good kid 100% deserves that spot over DAMN though, that album has held up amazingly well

I mean, FDR did go after peonage, convict leasing, and debt bondage, basically stamping out the last forms of slave labour practiced in The South.

Looks like he just jumped to the top of the list.

Doolittle isn’t just the very best of the Nationals. He’s the best of baseball. We need a thousand more players like him.

You forgot Sean Doolittle, who is the very best of the Nationals. Doo is the best. He had the guts to state publicly why he wasn’t going. And he and his wife walk the walk and talk the talk in community activism. They hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Syrian refugees and got the community involved, when he was with

Regardless of how non-violent people are, this is a reason why everyone should know how to throw a punch. A good punch would have definitely broken/dislocated his jaw, particularly with a roll of nickles in his fist.

Good God, you’re a simpleton. Don’t trip over that stupid hot take on your way out. 

Aside from Spencer’s attempts to radicalize people through his own social media channels, there’s evidence that he has contacts with people in the Trump regime.

Dr. Hibberd frames it nicely:

When will Nazis speak out against Nazi on Nazi back stabbing? No? Sure?

The kind of person who is not afraid of the PC Police! It’s just a joke! Why are you so sensitive?