Landon P. Dalite

We just took all three of our kids (11, 9, and 4) on their first airplane trip and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of grace I felt from nearly every single person we encountered through each airport and plane. It was as if they all were able to look and see potential garbage fires for us as parents and were

Well, not too terribly disappointing. Don’t know if you know them from back in the “Christian Music” hey-day, but I couldn’t decide if it was playing off of Art in Me or World Apart. Thanks for the 90's flashback anyway!

Please tell me that your name is some goofy Jars of Clay reference. Please.

Did you just say they hate us cause they anus?

Good God, man.
- She

+1 Hal.

I think I just discovered that I only read Deadspin in the hopes that I’ll see a Kluwe comment. Thanks, man.

Curious: Our son is a July birthday and we’re concerned about him being too young (i.e. immature) not just for kindergarten, but when it comes to actually graduating high school and being ready for the real world. What was your experience? Did your parents “hold you back” or were you the youngest? What did you choose

I read this headline as, “Heckler Gets Ejected After Blake Griffin Gets Hit in the Face”. Must be PTSD from Tom Wilson’s punch last night.

Came here for this. Hear, hear!

Man. My fandom of sports is dwindling more and more. First the goddamn Raiders and Gruden and now Dipoto’s an asshole? All this time I was just hoping the Mariner’s were inept and he was going to pull it out. So disappointing.

Word. My problem is not my 9 and 11 year; it’s that damn 4 year old still getting up at 5:15. Thank god for Netflix.

Man, this is depressing.

Everyone’s comments are great, and all that, but the elephant in the room is dad wannabe:

not a true fan.

He’s especially good at expectorating!

How is the dude masturbating at work not being talked about more than the goddamn eggs!?!?

I made it to 93 seconds. I’m ashamed *edit* of myself.

This was me for far too long. Born into it and wondered why after 15 years nothing in my life had changed. It’s because I hadn’t done anything to change. So dumb.

Austin’s one-handed smashing of his bat into the ground and especially Kelly’s utterly unfazed “come at me bro” beckon were my favorite moments in either fight.