
Inappropriate tweets aside, he wasn’t even close to being funny.

It’s ok he slapped her. Maybe first time she says it ignore it. Plus he slapped her once. Didn’t punch, didn’t wail away. Also, was this on a transport vehicle for people with intellectual disabilities or something? The lady antagonizing the guy seemed to be mentally retarded.

I’ve investigated the red chem-trails. It’s actually the Wookies in the lower gun turrets vaping on that oh so sweet Kessel Spice

I despise Trump as President and I have no respect for the kind of person he is. I do support this US response to bomb the Syrian military airfield. Assad is evil.

Pence pretty much disclosed that he cries and takes a shower immediately after he has sex

Christ I miss Deadwood

If he legally changed his name from “Koppenhaver”, shouldn’t his attorney have to refer to him as “Mr. Machine?”

Anyone who voted for Trump is not a good person.

I was gonna rent the DVD.... it seems like it could be decent, imo. I kind of like affleck as an actor (full disclosure I’m not a smart person, at all, and I have legit bad taste in most things). did u go in w low expectations and it ended up exceeding the low expectations? Or did u just find it to be straight up

Republicans are, without a doubt, a truely rotten group of people. I have really begun to question my relationships with friends and family who always vote and support GOP and GOP policies. I know they vote/support because they can’t shut the fuck up for 5 minutes to consider a different viewpoint or attempt to

Marky Mark and Peter Berg are already filming the movie based on this. Should be in theaters at summer time

Yes. I have. Plumbing, roofing and concrete work.

It’s a motivational post game speech. He bends the truth for effect. Besides the extra half day, he only called New England “assholes”. Rather than “cheating motherfuckers that about to get their heads handed to them”