Lance Mannion

“The Red Sox would never spit on their fans the way the Yankees are,” Lang says. “We believe just like David Ortiz said, ‘This is our city,’” he adds (paraphrasing, of course). “We’re proud of it, and who are they to be coming in and spitting on a message that we’re trying to bring through for all the people of

They think Google employees were rigging search results to make Trump’s immigration policies look bad...even though they liked them specifically because they were bad.

Shocking that “Let’s take something insanely popular & star driven & make it accessible to way fewer people...and ONLY if they’re willing to pay $60 on top of a cable subscription for it” ended up being a bad idea. It’s like Ray Kroc walking into the original McDonalds & telling them they should only be open from 7 pm

LOL. Yeah they still can’t figure presentation out. I can only assume one of their execs is a real life George Costanza.

I used to drink for fun. Now I drink to temporarily forget that our nation is mostly run by people who will back someone more powerful than they are until the bitter end (sometimes even while publicly condemning them), and now that powerful person is a moronic lunatic who refuses to admit he was wrong or defeat.

Boy we let high school boys do as much sexual assaulting as their boyish hearts desire & you’d think they’d be happy! But NOOOO. They also want to smoke pot & oppose the 2nd Amendment. They’re sick!

Hopefully something sends him on his way towards his rightful place on YouTube where he has a channel regular defended by 14-year-olds with “He’s awesome BECAUSE he’s not talented, dad!”

Dear god, yeah cool let’s set a precedent for providing corporations free labor born out of brand loyalty.

The Eagles should be jailed for deleting theirs. 

Yes, Chevy’s a bitter asshole but that resume is pretty fucking great even if it drives off a cliff in the 90s. I guess I should also add that despite the years of talk about how everyone he works with hates his guts, besides a few people that if you had to name wouldn’t take more than 1 hand to count (and even most

The weirdest reaction I’ve come across to the Brie stuff are people who think the “internet” is being too hard on her, & that if it was anyone else but a Diva Era star, they’d cut her slack. Sasha Banks was only doing what she was told to do when she gave Paige the kick that ended her in-ring career & she also got a

Part of me hopes this is just Matt seeing the writing on the wall for how Vince views him as a singles act & protecting the value of his biggest gimmick before it ends up remembered as a pre-show/dark match WWE thing. My hope is based on how he specifically said we’d never see Woken Matt Hardy in a WWE ring again as

The researchers found that infection risk was more than three times higher for respondents who often failed to clean their lenses; who weren’t great hand-washers; who swam or used hot tubs while wearing lenses; or who used a particular disinfectant known as Oxipol to clean their lenses. But none of these factors

Ambrose is a guy who brought a lot to the table when he arrived & has just kinda gradually been stripped of everything but being a “crazy guy” who isn’t afraid to brawl. I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw him cut a promo. Even in his backstage segments he mostly seems to exchange some words with whoever his

Beyond the lives it would improve/save, I hope medical researchers do someday discover the “weight loss miracle” just to put these diet scammers & grifters out of business for good.

I’d guess most of that is because in NXT “creative” consists of wrestling people who take pride in coaching a developing talent to get over with the fans. Whereas on the main roster creative is a combination of reject sitcom writers who know nothing but terrible jokes & skit premises, and bitter producers/sycophants

Right. Also these are all products that try to have something for everyone, so these guys are literally angry that EVERY aspect isn’t intended for them. 

Interesting. The one in my area didn’t, to my dad’s dismay, though I suppose that could’ve been a zoning issue or something.

“Stomp my flag I’ll stomp your ass!” Cool that their immediate parallel to the American flag is an ass.

One of my favorite gripes is “WWE is for kids!” from grown men who go to events to boo faces & cheer heels. Like, I wonder if these dudes go to Chuck. E. Cheese’s every week & complain to the manager about how all of the games are “kiddie bullshit!” & that there’s no beer. If you truly think it’s just for kids, why