Lance Mannion

I kinda wish I was there for the non-WWE stuff. This is the least excited I’ve been for WM since IX. I was pumped for the main event until Asuka’s title reign was sacrificed to make it slightly more interesting. They’ve made the tag titles on both brands irrelevant, they might as well just give Vince a complete hard on

I feel like it’s definitely possible that Warrior had some late-life awakening because his daughters reached ages where the garbage he spent most of his retirement/exile spewing were things he could see hurting them or noticeably changing how they look at him. I have a friend who married a black woman & he always

This is great but just like their other “history” I worry longterm it’s their attempt at justifying continuing their relationship with Saudi Arabia. The word going around is that Evolution (the all women PPV) is already dead. That or once Ronda is gone (it seems like she is somewhat legit angry about fans booing her

It’s likely true. It just absolutely needs to happen elsewhere. I think the hype (89-ish % of which was his father’s fault) & being in LA have stunted his development. I think the “insult” of being traded out of the place his dad had been engineering for him since basically day 1 might be the kick in the ass he needs

I’d prefer this stays in the indies. I don’t want my kids watching guys beat up women to cheers. You can say “it’s competition” but real or not it’s built on the concept of two people trying to hurt each other. That’s pretty dangerous to impressionable kids.

Vince is trying to win a war no one else is fighting.

I remember a friend of mine saying when he worked selling insurance they were all glued to a TV watching coverage of the Sandy Hook shooting, many of them sobbing & his boss came out of his office all excited with sales scripts about how this tragedy underscores the importance of having life insurance. For some

People forget that the foundation of that era was built on talented wrestlers too. Steve Austin didn’t get huge because he swore. He got huge because he was great in the ring, on the mic & had a character & feud that really connected with working class fans. WCW just started eating itself alive & Vince decided the

I was concerned about the Alexa thing, but mostly forgot about it until the Mandy/Naomi thing. Then I sighed & assumed Vince is testing the waters for just diving right back into the tits & asses era to counter AEW instead of just, like, trying to put on a better show. Being PG & not straight up objectifying their

I have nothing to base this on, but just considering some of the gossip about Graham’s personal life & his total 360 on Trump following an invitation to go golfing with him suggests Trump probably has some form of blackmail on him (and serious enough for him to crawl out from his fairly harmless hole to forever attach

Seriously WTF is this guy even talking about? I don’t pay attention to Benn, but Seguin seems like the same player he’s always been. Just maybe having some shit puck luck. He talks like Seguin is a shell of his former self when last season was his second highest scoring season ever & in line with his post-trade play.

“I just miss the old song” This is like preferring cat shit to dog shit.

Unfortunately as well (unintentionally certainly) this changed the coverage of her death when people started talking about how she fought back against the Eastwood-inspired attempt to destroy her career. The initial stories I read didn’t really mention Eastwood much, maybe a late blurb about how they used to date.

As much as I like Constance Wu & am still glad she had a big year in her career, I was pretty much done with her when she started hyping up Ezra Klein. He & the increased platform he got post-Trump election is a big reason why we’re stuck in this hell where we have ghoulish monsters trying to snuff out democracy to

Best wishes & get well soon, Drew. Wherever you are may you be surrounded by loved ones, luxury peppermint bark, & a $1500 ice cube tray.


My aunt ran the humane society & animal shelter in her town for 30 years. She seriously built on an addition to her house so she could adopt pets at risk for being euthanized. At one point she had 15 pets. One day she was leaving a restaurant (a memorial dinner for an old rescue dog she kept alive by making it their

My funeral will consist entirely of my lawyer reading a list of things I was involved in that I demand cease to exist with me in my memory.

“The school shooter’s perspective also matters here & as Americans they deserve to have their side heard too.”

This kinda crap really annoys me. Disney is already a big reason why my cable subscription is so high. The hell with this nonsense. THEY ALREADY OWN NETWORKS I HAVE TO PAY FOR! A ton of them. Now they seriously expect me to pay them separately for more TV content? No. Not happening.