Lance Mannion

You’re wasting your time. They even think it was her on the voice recordings (using her no doubt extensive voice analyzing experience) despite federal authorities not agreeing with that & this “In 2013, Salazar sued Kai for defamation of character and intentional infliction of emotional stress. Kai tried to get that

I like her name because it sounds like a dorky dance from the 1920s.

Holy shit I remember a time when I liked PTI. It was that weird period between the death of the SportsCenter everyone loved & the dawn of the “DEFEND YOUR FANHOOD!” hot take orgy ESPN would become. Man, remember Playmakers? A darn underrated ESPN era.

If Donald Trump despises the Deep State so much, why did HE hire them?

“Look. This game should allow every fan to play out their personal vision of Spider-Man. My Spider-Man would like to do a 9/11.”

MLB says the sale is contingent on the “closing of the sale transaction with the current owners of the Marlins,” which is expected to happen in the coming days. Sherman and Jeter will take control of the team at that point.

He was gone anyway though. The Marlins were not starting the 2018 season with Stanton’s contract on the payroll & they had a chance to get better prospects in return, and they were trying to do that before Stanton exercised a right handed to him by the previous owner (ironically to protect him from THAT guy’s

I understand that & that it appears the new ownership group’s purchase was contingent on gutting payroll is something MLB needs to address (not allow to happen again). In that sense I like that Stanton ended up using the situation to embarrass them with a pretty lopsided trade for a reigning MVP, & to the public face

I’m mostly just surprised Donaldson will be able to play at all this season. To say “he didn’t look right” back in May would be a huge understatement. I’m definitely curious to know if it was just Cleveland being more willing to take on the risk that this was a lost year for Donaldson who should’ve had surgery instead

I thought they had better deals agreed to with other teams but Stanton refused to accept them because he’d only accept a deal to New York?

My god the Asuka thing. I would’ve loved to watch Ric’s live reaction to watching Charlotte drop the championship to Carmella (then subsequently losing clean to her) after ending the Asuka streak.

He’s definitely McDermott’s illegitimate son or something.

This interpretation is new but the “Thou shalt only hit black quarterbacks” rule is a foundation of the league & their courageous fight against reverse racism. 

This is a better take than last night’s where they didn’t seem willing to even concede 1% of fault to Serena.

Whoever suggested they not anger the bulk of their fans & the near entirety of their players (product) to appease a small, but vocal segment of racist lunatics who probably already weren’t watching their games because black people are allowed to participate & earn money, MIGHT earn Goodell’s permission to eat some of

Seriously? Look, I love Serena too but that official did NOTHING but his job & he did it well. The initial call was correct, as stated by the coach himself, & even if it had actually been bullshit she should’ve just shrugged it off & moved on. She’s a veteran & way too smart for that. Eventually it just came across

“1. This is an article from a writer they did hire full-time and who still works there (I think). It’s about then-Minnesota head coach Jerry Kill eating an ice cream bar in the snow. Just one problem: it’s not Jerry Kill.

Tarkin looked like a reanimated Cushing experiencing a realization about what he really was & wanting to die.

A lot of people also usually aren’t going to blow vacation days on end of summer/September unless it’s for something where a zoo of people legitimately makes it a huge waste of time & money to be there. The beach & boardwalk can still be enjoyed when packed, it’s just not optimal. Unlike say, an amusement park where

As a runner in my 30s I genuinely miss when I didn’t have the legs of a Korean War veteran.