Lance Mannion

The funniest part about this is a friend of mine works in an office run by a Fox News loving nut who has the channel on all fucking day in the break room that everyone passes thru & she said they mention Alexandria on there an insanely hilarious number of times every day. So really she just proves that most of these

I’m one of the people who dropped off just because it wasn’t very good at the start, a time when shows like this even if they ultimately fall of the rails should be the best they’ll ever be. That’s supposed to be the best example of why the creators wanted to do the show & a taste of what got the network to buy into

These people believe in nothing but hurting everyone they hate. Never have. Any moral stance they claim to have is nothing but a charade to avoid admitting they’re garbage.

Cool! To be fair though I’d even be excited by a PS4 that promised an eject button I don’t need a flashlight & magnifying glass to find.

There really should be some lottery where players can win the right to use HGH or whatever. Felix Hernandez being washed up at 32 is just wrong.

It would probably result in a significant spike in ratings as general viewers have no clue what most Oscar nom films are. In an age of diminished network ratings (that haven’t hit the Oscars much YET...), it’s a little boost.

Just end this farce & bring him back. The people who made this happen will be super angry for a couple of days then move on to try screwing with someone else’s life. The “boycotts” will be bullshit & no one who wasn’t already skipping GOTG3 will do so. They have way more to gain from bringing him back than they do by

The delay on major releases is still around, so my membership is still getting axed.

Had to have been a pretty sobering experience for him to really see first hand how Republicans truly see immigrants. He’s a guy who was everything they claim to embrace but with that particular battle (or political prop to be more accurate) long over for them all they really saw him as was an “anti-American foreigner”

It’s too bad it took them this long (though their 2007-2009-ish run was as close to special as they got) to get it together that it won’t even be a blip on McMahon’s radar. WWE has gotten so stale & overproduced it’s getting almost impossible to watch. They constantly re-use the same things, like once they realized

Also I’m not sure why Fox News hasn’t launched their own version of Perspectives yet. Perhaps waiting for Ben Carson to be available to host it.

Long live Jermaine Allensworth!

Yeah I’m always surprised when broadcasters see these injuries & say “They seem to be okay” when they don’t immediately leave the game. Like they’ve never fallen or dropped something on their toe & felt “fine” for a while before the swelling & throbbing kick in. Especially in sports where the broadcast booth is

The only problem I have with TTG is that it’s seemingly on CN 9 hours a day. I’ve chuckled at episodes here & there but for a while it just seemed like every time I’d put on Cartoon Network it was in the midst of a TTG marathon. I’m sure Netflix has significantly changed how Cartoon Network operates, but I definitely

The biggest question is how will Dems bungle this? Here are my top scenarios:

Yep, and I’m sure if Tebow did this his reaction would’ve been a written blow-job about how “Tebow has his priorities straight. He isn’t just using college as a waiting room to riches.”

I get why he’s mad & as a fan I’ve absolutely been irate about similar rulings before but I’m fine keeping as clear a line in the sand as possible when it comes to a fan interfering with a fielder trying to reasonably make a catch. MLB doesn’t want to create their own version of the NFL’s insane inability to

Given that he is certainly owed a significant amount of money if they “fired” him & the resources available to him to sue them (married into one of the wealthiest & most influential families in America) & as well the general charade that “internal investigations” are, I’m not surprised about this. I am however

Oh to be back in the far more innocent days when Vince f’ing Carter was one of the most prominent PROFESSIONAL ATHLETEs who “doesn’t care”, “doesn’t work/practice hard enough” &/or “doesn’t even want to win”.

I’d wonder what would happen to conservatives & their obsession with patriotism if their most vocal leader goes down for treason, but then I remember it’s always been bullshit anyway. If Trump took a shit & piss on the flag tomorrow morning they’d be cheering on how he “owned that stupid fucking flag!”