Lance Mannion

Seriously she’s aged about 5 years in the last 25 it seems. Her attic might contain a portrait of her looking 30 years older.

I think this & Falling Skies (which I enjoyed for the most part) are proof that alien invasion probably isn’t meant for TV beyond a mini-series. I think with the zombie, virus, vampire stuff there are more opportunities to change the angle or theme of seasons to keep the show fresh. Alien invasion is pretty much a

Waiting for the cross share traffic from Splinter’s distant-sister site “Centropia: When you’re “progressive” but well off enough to not particularly care about the majority of progressive issues”.

It’s like an A-Team episode but this guy can’t understand why the small business owners aren’t thanking the gang for giving them 1% of the profit they got selling merchandise stolen from them.

He’s yelling random shit that enters his brain to people who claim to have an ideology but really don’t actually believe in anything anymore. They just like that the President is a pretend tough guy who attacks their perceived enemies & points his bare ass at the world.

These people are so fucking lame they force themselves to be enthusiastic about a guy they don’t like just because being a “young” conservative in 2018 depends a lot on maintaining the ruse that events like these are fun for you.

Dantonio said he had spoken to his team about Reschke’s reinstatement (which comes without a scholarship), and that the players “see no problems with that.

He didn’t argue that lost journalism jobs matter more than anything else. He’s pointing out that it’s very bad that an outlet like the NYDN can be gutted so significantly & in its place will be aggregated shit re-posting the same “content” that may not even be factual. The destruction of prominent & reputable journalis

I had similar thoughts when I realized I was hoping the FCC would do the bare minimum of their existence in killing a merger that would put an unquestionably far-right slanted media outlet into nearly 3/4 of American households & without even having to use their actual name.

I recall an interview with her a few years back where she made comments about antagonizing him over some harmless hobbies. Might just be your every day “I love you for who you are...but having said that please cut these things that make you happy from your life for absolutely no reason beyond my not particularly

We’re so far into this hole it seems impossible to go back now. A friend of mine got into an argument with his dad over the 7th inning stretch “God Bless America” thing. My friend rolled his eyes & jokingly asked if another 9/11 happened to justify its continued practice & his dad flipped out. His dad is convinced

The thing about documentaries is generally they’re always at a minimum interesting enough to overlook how poorly made they are, especially 30 for 30 style where they hinge on a viewer’s tendency to “Hey! I remember that/them” to pop-culture-ish subjects. VH1 kinda got this whole genre started & in the same way I’d

Virginia Kruta sounds like a shitty dish served at a wedding between 1st cousins.

Leonard is so thin skinned too.

I’m fine with this as long as he’s as just as enthusiastic & agreeable as he was for the Prince Christmas Special.

Yeah considering the cost for a parent to take their kid to see a game in even the “cheap seats” anymore there shouldn’t be any pressure on them to have to throw back a big moment like that. If that crap was around when I was a kid & it happened to me I’d probably have ended up no longer liking baseball.

“This man is watching the world change around him and doesn’t know how to react—what used to be so easy that he hadn’t ever had to think about it is now nothing but questions”

Like, I don’t hate my parents’ rich neighbor because he has a bigger house & nicer cars than they do. I hate him because he proudly supports maintaining a country where they will lose everything they have if one of them gets cancer while still calling himself their “friend”.

But staying in the middle is the only way we can theoretically win without actually doing anything better than the Republicans!

Lupica probably gets to go around doing the firing and/or lecturing everyone to act professional about it.