
Kinja! Now available as a homegame!

Chris Berman is the reason I watch the draft on my phone. I can’t even look at that corporate toad anymore without getting angry. Ribbit Ribbit you fat fuck.

Bullshit. This kid should be out of the league. Only nepotism has kept him in a uniform.

+1 Clerk

Not anymore, they don't.

He’s right though, and thought entertaining no matter how much shade you attempt to throw his way.

Most tire shops in the Philippines have tire machines? You know this for a fact, or you just assume everywhere is just like where you live?

I love how everyone in the comments love to act like they are sexually liberated, until they are not.

Then why are you here if you don’t care?

You poor summer child.

Suck it, book lovers. The only way to finish the books is to watch the show. GRRM isn’t finishing the next book, let alone finishing the series.

So Deadspin is the Under Armor to ESPN’s Nike?

Shut up

Read gooder, dick.

No letters on Marchman’s ivory tower bad take on modern television? How saying Breaking Bad isnt German Opera? How even after admitting to not watching Breaking Bad he soldiers on with his hit take?

You don’t get invited to fun parties, do you?

There’s a reason you couldn’t find a different picture with guys & gals conveying the same feeling.

Because bachelorette parties tend to start off trying to be the center of attention where ever they go, and that creates plenty of drama on its own. There tends to be an itinerary of “fun things” the group has to do, plus dick related wearables (always with the plastic dicks). They naturally run out of steam as it

Made a burner account specifically to star this.

I can’t tell if I feel more sorry for your husband that he doesn’t have any real friends, or that he is already an indentured servant before he’s actually married.