Lance Hunter

That's an insanely reductive way to look at it. Creating games that will be fun and interesting to watch being played is just as much content-creation as writing jokes.

Yea, but am I really tuning in to an interview with Jennifer Lawrence or Ryan Reynolds for illumination?

I gotta say, Fallon really gets it. Watching celebrities play goofy games with him is almost always going to be at least as entertaining as any interview he could do.

I'm talking about the last scene with his father in the penthouse, where the father injects him in the back of the neck with the entire rest of the serum. (It's in the last episode, around 20:50 in.)

First to comment that dolphins are mammals. I already feel like more of a loser.

I imagine if they work them in, it'll be the cinematic equivalent of those "flashes from around the world as the crisis occurs" splash pages that Marvel always does whenever some major cosmic event is going down, showing all the street-level heroes in their various places looking up at the big explosion in the sky or

I don't think Killgrave didn't want to undergo anesthesia because it would stop commands from working. I think he didn't want to end up put under for so long that his commands ended up wearing off.

Well, I was trying to use the term "magic" to mean "not related to real-world scientific understanding", rather than some cop-out about how there aren't any rules. After all, there are lots of stories with magic that hinge a lot on the rules and limits that the magic has. They established that no one knew what

That would have been cool. Alas, one disadvantage the MCU has to the 616 universe is that the characters are portrayed by actual human beings that have to be in a particular space and time to be filmed for a scene. To achieve as much crossover as they have is already a miracle of planning and scheduling.

The fact that it didn't work after he died can be chalked up to comic-book logic. (Though neither of them knew that would be the case, because as Jessica said he "never died before".) So maybe he did tell people to do something if she hurt/killed him, but he died and suddenly the spell was broken. (And let's face it,

Imagine a "My Super Sweet 16" episode turned into a horror movie.

Daredevil v Luke Cage would indeed be awesome. That said, suddenly introducing another character who is immune to Killgrave for no reason (even if that character is another superhero) would have been kinda weak.

The rule of thumb for drawing in comics is that an average man is 8 heads tall, while a hero is 9 heads tall. Since the Thor movies are definitely the most comic-booky of the MCU, it makes sense that they keep to those rules visually.

True, the Met Life Building doesn't make any sense in the MCU, as petty much every insurance company would have been completely bankrupt by now.

"Demons" by Sleigh Bells

She's basically the James Van Der Beek to Jessica's Chloe. (Oh damn, if there is some way to make Ray Ford play Trish's assistant in season 2, I might have a heart attack.)

That would definitely have been interesting, but it would have been really difficult to pull off a way for Jessica to make that happen to Killgrave (as it would have been really unsatisfying for something to stop Killgrave other than her) without it being really telegraphed.

The day that the binge-watching began, Erik Adams shows up at each reviewer's house with a bottle of those red pills they gave to Simpson.

Yea, it is definitely possible, but probably expensive. In that story (as I remember it) the only glimpse you get of Reed Richards in the Baxter Building is a clip show tourists in the lobby are viewing. They could basically assemble (heh) all the RDJ footage they needed for that kind of story from stuff already shot

Hrm… Something I just thought of based on some of the comments earlier about the all the purple.