Lance Hunter

Yea, the brief flash we get of him turning purple was a nice nod to the comics without having to get too far out there.

Personally, though, I really do want to see one episode from next season (which will presumably occur when superheroics are more accepted in the world) tackle the side-story from the first arc where Jessica is trying to reunite a guy who is supposed to have a tie to the Avengers with that group, only to find out later

John Darnielle non-lyric quote that can sum up the denouement pretty well: "One day you will outlive your abuser, and when that happens the feeling is indescribable."

Jessica had to get Kilgrave to say "stop" to get everyone to stop killing each other, and she had to be close enough to grab and kill him before he could yell out some other horrible thing for everyone (or Trish) to do. Her plan made sense there.

Yea, I can't imagine Kilgrave lasting more than a season, especially given how much they buffed him towards the end. Definitely better to let that story end than to try and come up with some weaker conclusion where he's in some knock-off version of the Magneto cages that Magneto always gets out of in every X-Men movie.

With the various Killgrave victims talking about the trauma of what he did to them, I'm getting a sense that more than a few people in that writing room saw Upstream Color. Some interesting parallels there.

Damn, I was about to say that they could probably do it cheaper, and then went to look up the budget for the two Wayans-made Scary Movie entries. Holy crap! Scary Movie 2 cost $45 million to make. $45 FUCKING MILLION. For SCARY MOVIE 2!

You know, Donald Glover turned into a character from a Sofia Coppola movie so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Reminds me of an incident in Austin where a promoter decided to sell tickets for "An Evening with R Kelly", indicating that it would be an intimate-venue concert, that turned out to just being hanging out at a strip club that he happened to also be in (and you have to buy insanely-priced VIP tickets to even be in the

Well, of course I was reductive. It's an internet comment. Personally, I enjoyed this movie when I first saw it. It was only after some of the people I knew in who are/were interracial relationships saw it and I heard their complaints that I recognized that the movie has some pretty problematic messages.

Ah yes, Medicine For Melancholy. A film that dared to take a bold anti-miscegenation stance in 2008.

Dude, feeding your kid McDonalds is about a thousand times more harmful to them than any words they can hear out of a toy.

Yea, "helped set up" might be over-stating it. "Helped continue" is a more accurate phrasing.

The idea that "we can just create new characters in other demographics" ignores that no one is creating new characters for the big two anymore, because it's like giving away money. If you create something for Marvel or DC (unless you're a major major talent with a special deal) that means Marvel or DC owns your

Oh yea, the "staring with equal parts fear and longing at young street hustlers" thing was about as direct as you could be without renaming his character Officer Conflicted McHomo.

Yea, apparently for the final seasons they were just throwing out craziness because they could get away with it, since no one was watching. Basically a 'Till Death situation:…

Joining in on the "hope there's a second season" chorus. They did a huge amount of stuff with an enormous amount of constraints, and I hope we get a chance to see them do more.

Yea, I think a big part of the flip-out that happened for guys like the Millers (Dennis and Frank) is that they built a lot of their identity on "who even cares, man, politics is all bullshit and they're both different sides of the same coin" and then 9/11 happened and suddenly they got reminded that the shit really

Funny enough, Yahoo Screen actually works very well on the Apple TV. I was actually surprised when I saw it as an option there, and then decided to watch Community that way (which was as good as Hulu if not better). Of course, the Yahoo Screen app is definitely broken in one way on the Apple TV: it doesn't play any