Lance Hunter

I believe Serena Joy was originally based on Phyllis Schlafly, who was basically the Tomi Lahren of the 70s.

Given that her "thriving business" is built primarily on posting bikini shots for pedos on instagram, I don't think she's necessarily owning anyone that hard.

Mulan came out in 1998, and Beth was around Morty's age at that time. Holy crap, I'm four years older than Beth.

What we really want to know, many of the HBO Vice President of Boobs' notes were taken?

I kinda took that clip as a direct middle-finger to those upset at ScarJo's casting. (Whether that ends up being a good thing or a bad thing will have to wait to see how the movie turns out.)

The whole show was about MTV getting teenagers to watch MTV so they can sell more ads. There was never any real critique of materialism or social commentary that was any deeper than "Boy those popular kids sure are stupid! Not like you. You're smart and different and see how things really are. Now watch this Clearasil

Vastly over-rated, I'd say. But it has to maintain a veneer of being under appreciated because that is the show's brand.

I've always hated Daria, and can't tell why it still gets so much acclaim. It's pretty much the prime example of MTV stealing intellectual property from its creators (Mike Judge created the character, but wasn't even informed that the show was going to happen) to take something genuinely weird/subversive and turn it

I haven't gotten over Solo enough to give White Ferrari its due yet.

Welp, sounds like some studio-concocted publicity beef is going down.

Goddamn, Community notifications were truly the most annoying "sticky" feature this site used to have.

Yea, The Crow soundtrack was one of the last albums that I got on cassette tape.

Goddamn, this sums up my adolescence way too well (including pining after the day when I could finally be old enough to get into The Church, only to finally get there and awkwardly sit on the balcony for half an hour before leaving). If you would have included a paragraph about suburban kids who discovered goth

Yea, there are a lot of really funny fitness bros out there on youtube right now, and I think with the right writing a show about this era could be hilarious.

Doubly-so because you aren't using an ad-blocker.

The ads are targeted, so you really only have yourself to blame here.

They had an unexpected bonanza earlier this year thanks to Deadpool merch. They'll make out just fine.

Or, you know, you could also date a scuzzy dangerous-seeming guy for a couple of months until he hits you during a fight and you decide to never go back to see his part of town again.

Never! This insular bubble I've built around living in an urban core protects me from the madness of the suburbs (which I can only assume are exactly as terrible as I remember them being from when I was in high school).

Let's not forget Marilyn Manson gear, which easily made up 50% of their sales in the mid-90s.