Lance Cummins

Truth. Deadwood just nailed it.

Wow. What an episode. Loved it. Hate Laura Moon.

There was no reason good enough to watch that interview.

I disagree.

One of my favorite soundtracks and Bowie albums. I love listening to it.

Sometimes a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

The libertarians and Ayn Randians all think that they are going to be Immortan Joe. But in reality they are probably going to be next to me naked and chained to the hood of a moving car. Aww sweet irony.

Oh I do have a job. It doesn't involve hanging about underneath a bridge and jerking off into my own mouth. I applied for it but they said that you were already doing such a good job at it that they didn't need to replace you after all.

I have a neighbor with hand painted white railings on his truck proclaiming Obama as Satan. So you can imagine how fun the neighborhood bbq's are.

Interesting. Troll or some sort of jokester. hmmm

I feel comfortable saying that Alex Jones is a fraud and a liar and a buffoon and side show barker. But he is more of a liar and a fraud than anything else. I detest him and his supporters.

The Bourne film inspired me to reread the book and that was a bit of an eye opener let me tell you. The things that I had either not noticed or didn't care enough about to notice really stood out in the rereading. The book has not aged well and had some really problematic parts. But I am glad that it inspired such a

The fighting in Badlands is so bad ass that the other crappy stuff just doesn't matter.

I loved the comics. But I may have been distracted by the cool martial arts stuff. I just never noticed his personality.

The role was so miscast.

Some men can have long hair. Brad Pitt in Thelma and Louise.

I loved him in SLC Punk.

Seriously? Is this your first time on the internet? That is not much of an insult.

I really missed McShane in this one. I enjoyed the episode and I really liked the song that Shirley Manson sang but I really missed McShane.

Oh I can only imagine the chaos that such a thing would cause. I love it.