Lance Cummins

I totally just shook my head and muttered "what a dumb ass".

The earth is flat and carried on the back of four elephants who are walking in a circle of a giant sea turtle swimming through space. #discworldforever

He has no idea how to be "nuanced or skillfull" with anything non combat.

I have gone back and watched that board room/hallway fight 3 times now. It was so good. Just solid stuff.

You are correct. They couldn't have. But I have never understood why people liked Trump in the first place. He would pop up in movie cameos and I would just roll my eyes. I have never understood the attraction.

So angry and so misguided. You have a great day. Friend. It has been a real pleasure.

There is nothing shocking or daring about calling something "neoliberal capitalism" they are just buzz words that don't actually mean anything when strung together. ooooh New Liberal Capitalism. You've figured it out. Now you know the root of all of societies evils. Please tell me what system would fix things?

What you think are insults are not. I did dabble once in my life in the moral bankruptcy and selfishness of libertarianism but I am most assuredly not one.. Thankfully I grew out of it. But if it pleases you to make that claim about me then by all means do what makes you feel good. I would hate for you to come away

This is an auto reply: Lance can't respond right now his mouth is full and his hands are busy as he is servicing his corporate overlords. He will return once the ritual has ended.

hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahha I don't even care. You have given me the best laugh of my day. Now excuse me while I go rinse and spit. No swallowing for this drone.

No you! Please either go back to your bridge or come up with better material. You don't belong here. Your game is to weak.

Yes. But that kind of thinking doesn't seem to work with a certain type of politician. Usually the "America 1st" ones.

Oh good. The hate fuels me. Let your blood pressure rise as your IQ lowers. Be angry. Get so angry. Maybe light a torch and march around. Yell gibberish.

"neoliberal capitalism" ooooh string together more words that you do not actually understand.

He is complicit and so is SNL and NBC for ever putting him on television in the 1st place.

This is amusing. I hate to say it but he isn't all that far off base about China. They are not our friends.

The Limey, Out of Sight. Nothing else matters.

No Oingo Boingo?

Can't they just make Confederate World as a spin off to West World?

Yes. But he has since left Vice and they have disavowed him entirely. And yes the Proud Boys are just wannabe racist skins who don't like suspenders.