Lance Cummins

I can't even answer this question. There are just to many guitar solos that I love.

This is the truth. It's been 4 + years and the "what if's" and "why didn't I"s still keep coming. This news certainly didn't help my frame of mind that is for sure.

Him interviewing Trump should have been enough to disqualify Trump right off the bat. I am still pissed about that whole thing.

He isn't crazy. He is the worst kind of manipulative self indulgent liar.

I believe that I will be purchasing this.

I have never fully grasped his popularity. I do not find him funny. I do find the Lonely Island guys funny and I get that taste is subjective.

I enjoyed My Blue Heaven. How dare you!

Which ones are the lizard people again?

In my day we spun pencils and pens. My father and his father before him spun the bone of a polar bear that they killed and carved themselves. Kids today are so soft. haaaarumph!

I would think that Cena might be a little bit 'bulky' to be a sniper.

When is someone going to remake 'Blood in Blood out'?

They passed a law in the town that everyone has to see it. Totally mandatory.

Who was it that Axe tried to call and the number was disconnected?

She is 13? I feel like I am going to get a visit from Dateline for even looking at that picture.

I honestly have not enjoyed a show this much since Deadwood and The Wire and the first season of True Detective. I just hope that they keep it up.

Creative millennials are the worst.

I enjoyed Crouching Tiger but overall I am just not that big of a fan of this type of martial arts film. They are often beautiful to watch but so stylized that I lose interest.

Boners gonna do what a boners gonna do.


I'm with you fellers.