Lance Cummins

What were you looking for a knife fight and Wag's and Axe double teaming Wendy?

Such a good episode. The whole season was just top notch.

Why didn't they just show stock footage from "Girls Gone Wild"?

"I've seen every film Polanski and Allen have ever made and will continue to do so"

Not sure…….

Justified and Deadwood always worth a rewatch or two.

I totally agree. I have always felt that he deserved an Oscar for that film.

Such a swing and a miss for Netflix and Marvel with this one. Iron Fist has always been one of my favorite characters and I was very excited about the whole Defenders thing. But they just blew this one so much. I wish that they would just recast Danny and reboot the whole series.

When she died in Gilbert Grape that wrecked me.

I like a little ritual in my life.

I don't even care if it is remotely realistic or not. I just plain get a kick out of watching Lewis and Giamatti do their thing. So fun.

He can't be the only one who does.

Bernie is a really good film.

I love Orange County and Nacho Libre how can you leave out School of Rock another one of my favorites. But Shallow Hal and Year One are so bad. Just terrible.

That is a good point. It is very nearly peak Jack Black.

What pisses me off about this kind of stuff is that Trump does and says enough stupid stuff on his own without the need to resort to this kind of fake bullshit.

Loved Con-Air so much and the insanity of Face/Off is what made it so much fun. But one of the worst films of 97 has to be The Jackal. It was just such a bad movie.

That makes sense. I was thinking of the mafia thugs in that Seagal movie "Out For Justice".

It does feel lazy. The fight scenes and everything else.

I really wanted this show to be good. I wonder if I just had my expectations set to high.