Lance Cummins

Are you using Champions or ADnD rules?

I would rather have the Hand as a villain instead of a batch of mafia thugs. At least with the Hand you get some good fights. In theory.

This is an odd show for me. I love the character of Iron Fist in the comic books. But the portrayal in the Netflix series doesn't work for me at all. The show is really flawed but not so flawed that I can just walk away. I walked away from the second season of True Detective after one episode.


What is cringeworthy: Your takes on the show. All the way cringeworthy.

Good? Bad? As long as I enjoy it.

I am not surprised at all.

Just watched this last night. I really enjoyed it. Almost makes me want to go back and watch it again in the third dimension.

I am enjoying his character on Billions. It was a nice surprise when he popped up this season.

You know exactly what I meant. "Politically" Putin is Russia. Russia goes as he goes.

I disagree, Putin is Russia, Russia is Putin and America has always had a strong antagonism toward Putin. That is regardless of Bush or Clinton or Obama or Trump trying to cuddle up to him. True Russia is no longer Communist per say but they are under the thumb of a criminal and a thug and no friend of America despite

In my opinion, he has always been a thug and a criminal. I think that is also the opinion of much of the UN and Trump is going to fast find out that dealing with him is dangerous if he hasn't already.

Putin has always been a problem.

I feel that way about Miles Teller. Though I did enjoy Whiplash.


At some point I just stopped going to weddings.

That's good. Very reasonable. Very butthurt. I like it.

I just plain enjoy the hell out of it.

Oh please. The Deadpool thing was fun. Then the movie/film started and it was amazing. A very well made film. It is possible for both things to exist within the world of cinema. Lighten up, Francis.

My apologies for the inadvertent spoiler earlier. I made a horrible mistake in my attempt to be funny. I have deleted it.