Lance Cummins

I did not enjoy the wings there at all.

I really enjoyed the season. Entertaining and fun. A- for me.

Works for me. I have been living in denial about the aliens in Highlander 2 since I saw the film anyway. What a stupid idea that was.

I just tried those this week in chicken strip form and while the flavor was indeed good the strips themselves did not look appetizing at all. I wish my food looked as good as it does in those pictures.

Crackpot and buffoon.

As far as I am concerned anything with Tim Olyphant in it is worth watching in it's entirety.

I am really just enjoying this show. Great fun.

Thanks for the article. Good stuff. That episode of Different Strokes messed me and a lot of my friends up. Heavy stuff.

Even reading it makes me laugh hard.

"For McMahon… well, it was harder to pin down what he hoped to get out of the whole venture, outside of a massive ego stroke."

FOX did it to themselves and I don't see how a man who let himself be interviewed by Alex Jones has any business saying anything is "fake news" or not.

I just watched this last night. Great big dumb fun popcorn action film.

I see you have met my 80 yr old father. He is a big fan of la la land and so far in the closet it is going to take two Sherpa and a Bruce Vilanch to get him out.

I am all for leaving the Trump children alone as long as they stay out of politics and don't make stupid twitter posts. That is their fathers job.

Thank you…?

Consider me both scared and intrigued.

Bernie Sanders was not Trump or HRC and I would love to be wrong about Trump. But so far his actions have not shown me anything. His cabinet picks are what I expected them to be. His twitter rants have not changed. I am not demanding that he be impeached or removed from office. I suspect that he may get either bored

Well, I am not a Dem. Disliking Trump and recognizing how bad he is going to be for America and the rest of the world doesn't make me a Dem just like voting for him doesn't make you Republican. Though I think it makes you remarkably shortsighted and more then a little mean spirited in general. Trump is not a good

Respectable take but I have to go Con Air >Face/Off>and anything other than The Rock. I don't know why but I have to put Kick Ass as a stand alone. I don't know why. It just is.

I can enjoy The Rock. But it isn't a good movie. To many mindless plot holes. Mainly the stuff with the green balls of poison that are fragile one minute and super strong the next. As far as dumb Nic Cage action goes I would rather watch Con-Air