Lance Cummins

I remember loving Hard Boiled and being so excited about and then so disappointed by Hard Target because it wasn't as good as Hard Boiled. But I have grown to like over the years.


It took me a long time to finish that book and I often had to put it down because of the tears.

Thank you. For your late response that added absolutely nothing to the discussion. Be well.

I am not the one trying to claim data as evidence. You brought it into the conversation. You bring the support for it. Otherwise hit the bricks.

"We found that the numbers he cited are real, but his descriptions of those numbers, and thus his interpretation, were off base." Keep on drinking that conservative koolaid, dannyboy.

Cite your sources or don't bother, dan. Anybody can make up factoids.

"America only stands a chance now that he's won" ? Stands a chance at what? At bending a knee to Putin and his thugs? Stop reading Infowars.

I have found that the being willing to walk away is key.

Reddit is Hitler

"Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is David Lynch’s best movie (it isn’t). "

"Turning a series of popular books into a TV series might not have been the obvious route in the ’00s, but in our Game Of Thrones era, it’s the smartest."

He would still be a hack even if he was a "toe-the-line progressive".

What I find amusing about the Trump supporters is how they throw around "snowflake" like it is some horrible insult. I just don't care if someone calls me that. That and the whole "cuck" thing. What stupid words to use as insulting.

I would totally try that chicken and gravy thing. At least once

Is it? I find myself not very excited by the musicians.

Both Milo and Bill Maher strike me as smug assholes of the highest order.

That's funny. I saw Deadpool twice in theater and bought a copy for home viewing.

ha, I love that you Trumpidots think I am insulted by that, ha, what a joke you are. If anything I am insulted by the idea that you think your opinion means anything to me.

I wonder if Trump realizes that he can't bankruptcy his way out of this one?