Lance Cummins


She is a nice lady!

I remember it differently.

You make a good point and one that I hadn't really thought of before.

During the Reagan and Bush years any relationship with Putin would have been Trumps downfall. It blows my mind that so few people seem to care about this.

Well, as long as they are Watergate level journalists.

That Eric Bachman album and Bowies Blackstar were both just mind blowers for me.

You got me!. I had no idea. I will go ahead and delete all of my posts.

Even if I believed in reincarnation does the timing work?

That's valid but with them you knew what you are getting. "Trump has expressed lots of support for the middle class" Sure he has. But his cabinet choices make it look like that is all just a bunch of hot air on his part. I do not think his policies are going to significantly benefit anyone but himself and the rest of

He isn't "the" Hitler. He is "a" Hitler or "an" Hitler. If that is more your kind of thing.

Oh good. I love the all caps. And no I do not want "open borders and 100,00 more refugees"…and all of the other craziness that you just vomited out on your keyboard. The working class in this country is on welfare because the 1% like Trump and his friends keep taking their factories overseas and so far I have yet to

She tries so hard to be funny. But often just isn't.

Oh you are amusing. Thank you for the entertainment today. I just wish this was on twitter so I could share your genius with other people.

Is "rainbow boy" supposed to be an insult? But thank you I suppose for highlighting for everyone else what truly matters to the typical Trump supporter.

You might want to actually look up the meaning of the word. Trump is most assuredly not a patriot.

How I choose to spend my personal time is my own business.

Oh I am not going anywhere. I blend right in with all you alt-right, oh sorry, white supremacist dipshits. Someone has to be around to help pick up the pieces after it all falls apart in the next one to two years. I don't see Trump lasting any longer then that.

Not true. Two Texas Republican Electors voted for other than Trump. One was for Ron Paul and I can't remember the other off of the top of my head.

Ya, I am surprised you didn't just call her "Killary" that pretty much tells everyone what you are feeling. Do you hate all women or just her? Do you hater her because of her husband? Please come back and give me that list of people that she and Bill are responsible for killing. That is my favorite.