Lance Cummins

He may not call himself a conservative and you may not think of him as your definition of a conservative. But he was elected by conservatives. So don't think that you are blameless for this. You are just playing with definitions at this point.

If you can't tell then clearly you haven't been paying attention which is probably why you voted for Trump.

You don't know who I supported and I am not the one whose blood pressure is clearly spiking right now. Sure your candidate won the election and in doing so took away the veil covering the racism and sexism that is inherent in conservative American politics today. The end result is that Trump is just going to get

Are you kidding? I am a white male. Things are going to be perfect for me in Trump's America. I can't wait. I want to be here to watch all you idiot true believers weep when you realise that it is going to be business as usual under Trump. Once a 1% always a 1% and you batch of idiots bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Oh cute. Did people tell you that when Obama won?
what a joke you and the rest of the Trump voters are.

Trump may have won but America lost.

Amusing. I wonder if they will Chuck Norris lead the opening prayer?

I caught this preview over the weekend and it made me go out and watch the first John Wick film. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

I believe that it concerned him.

It is in my top 3 films easy and the soundtrack just is amazing.

It is really the only time that she has ever interested me as an actress.

I had forgotten how much The Lobster messed me up. That ending, hell, the whole film.

You stated clearly that you were "lmao". Was that a lie?

I did and I regretted it the whole way through.

I suspect that your ass is still attached.

Exactly. There is far worse shows on Amazon that is for sure.

I will pretty much watch anything with Anna Camp in it. I enjoyed the show.

I am sure that there is some bareback gun play.

Oregon native and proud to be from "Dumbfuckistan".

Who called dibs on the Kid Rock and Ted Nugent fanfic?