Lance Cummins

He seemingly hangs on to the outside of a submarine for how many miles. Doesn't that bug anybody else?

"Now, The Octagon is not a good movie."

That's just mean….and lots of practice.

The Lobster was a good film but man it messed me up. I was deep into my head by the time that it ended. It probably didn't help that I was the 5th wheel watching it with two long term couples.

Wow. It's F'ing Ghostbusters. Who the F cares? Idiots

I enjoyed it. It felt like a solid B.

I want to be sympathetic but I have such an ingrained disgust with anyone and anything who chooses to be on Fox News.

There is a comic book?

Dolly and Cher the perfect ticket!!

I find him amusing. Worship is far to strong of a word.

I liked the Punks. It takes some guts to blatantly sport overalls like that.

I proudly own both the film and the soundtrack and will show and play them for anyone who shows the slightest interest in either. Such a fun, fun , awesome film. I liked the film far more then the book. The book is really dark.

To be clear tje Atlanteans are lazy and job stealers.

That is a much better explanation than most people are able to give as to why they find Tarzan a problem. But boy as a kid I sure loved these books and early films.

Is the "Black Panther" racist?

No loincloth! F- from me

I have just started watching this on Netflix and I am sad that I missed it when it was on regular TV. I really am enjoying it.

I have just started watching this on Netflix and I am sad that I missed it when it was on regular TV. I really am enjoying it.

Another reason to stay away from Twitter as much as possible.

I really enjoyed the series. It kept me interested the whole way through.