Lance Cummins

I respect it but…damn it!

The books are enjoyable enough as far as those kind of books go and the first movie was fine. But he is not the Jack Reacher of the books. Not even close. He is like some odd Brady Bunch that just pops up out of nowhere and wrecks the whole damn franchise!!

I am so excited for Another Period. Love that show.

I have never wanted to punch his face.


I was surprised at the feels I was feeling when Clare was reunited with his family. Unexpected.

There is something beautiful about that.

That's a valid question. I don't have an answer. Just a visceral reaction to how shitty the Twilight books were.

I couldn't do it. The first one just made me go back and pull out all of the animated ones again and I loved them so much more.

TLDR: Lost me when they started talking about Twilight. No thank you.

Thank you. I am known for my nuanced and subtle arguments.

I should probably pay more attention to the lyrics. But now I don't want to.


I enjoyed this film. But it messed me up. Damn. It is still hard to actually process it.

My ancestry is Norwegian, thus my support of Bernie Sanders.

What a buffoon. By buffoon I mean you. Because you are a buffoon of the highest order if you want Trump or any CEO without any political experience to be president.

This amuses me. There are consequences when your candidate says foolish things.

Trying so hard to minimize my expectations for this. I want it to be so good.

You know who seemed out of place and was bad in the film? James Corden that is who. Not Knightley. I just do not get the attraction for that guy. I also thought he was a distraction in Out of The Woods.

Isn't that the point?