Lance Cummins

Ahhh, French-Canadian, no wonder I never heard of it.

What? I have no knowledge of this.

"boring" Wrong.

Dream Park is one of my favorites. I read that so many times in my adolescence. I hope that they make a bad movie or television show one of these days and I can flood the internet with my righteous indignation. It would be perfect it they cast all women in the main roles and then I really can get myself fired up.

No! I walked away long ago and I will not let you back. I beat you. I told you, MTG we are through. Leave me alone.

I tried but I just couldn't do it.

Chuck Klosterman is never to be believed.

Seriously though. Ghostbusters? Of all the films to stand your ground about remakes on. You are going to go to war over Ghostbusters? Come on dude.

I like your cinnamon and brown sugar-glazed butter sticks. I believe that Costco used to carry them.

So, basically CBS still just sucks. That is the takeaway right?

"having a large fish protruding out of his anus"

Oh good. That was nice and snarky. Let that angst fill you. Lets see. I have watched the show. But it never held my interest so I was surprised at the headline and that is why I read the article. I understand why SHIELD has a place in the Marvel Universe but this show itself doesn't need to be there and I think that

And miss out on all the fun interaction? No thanks.

The sound is richer on my wireless.

Oh if I was actually trolling, I would be trolling. I honestly do not know of anyone who actually watches this show. I am not sure why it even has a place in the Marvel Universe.

Does anyone care? Honestly who actually watches that show?

Styx over Journey always and forever.

It was possible to cross over and keep a foot in either camp.

I still happily listen to the swing bands from the 90's and the earlier original swing bands from the 40's. It's happy good time fun music and for that I am thankful and I loved actually going out and swing dancing. Those were good times.

I enjoyed the series.