You see the white girl angle all the time with missing girls.
You see the white girl angle all the time with missing girls.
These will be in my top 3 M&M flavors, I guarantee it. #1 forever in my heart is peanut butter M&Ms, which are larger than Reese’s Pieces and therefore superior. #2 is white chocolate peppermint M&Ms because I can buy them on clearance on 12/26. #3 will be these, which I will also be buying on clearance on 12/26.
I suggest a third possibility:
Kanye West hangs with Trump, defends Bill Cosby but Taylor Swift is the enemy...okay lol. West was the one who called her ‘that bitch’ in a song while acting like it was going to be a compliment. Keep sucking his egomaniac dick though.
They owe her an anthroapology.
Murder on the Orient Express has performed sufficiently well enough that plans are already in the works for another…
The survivalist saved her from the wreckage, took her to a safe place and then got her medical supplies. If he hadn’t found her, she probably would have been killed by one of the other inhabitants of that moon. In return, she stabbed him and shot him dead. In her escape, she kills someone else (though in…
It occurred to me that it’s a bit of a shame that the Orville decided to ape TNG/Voy, when they could have mimicked TOS aesthetics.
Piven definitely did it. It’s not news to me that he’s a creep. I remember Debra Messing saying that when he guested on Will & Grace, instead of doing a fake acting kiss, he’d shove his tongue into her mouth every take. Fucking asshole.
Believe it or not, I think something’s up as well.
The more likely translation I’ve read elsewhere...
Rasmussen was from the 22nd century. He stole the time machine from the guy who was from the 26th. But I think the relevant similarity is using time travel to steal artifacts, which Rasmussen was definitely doing (even if to reverse engineer them into inventions in the past). Also shades of “Captain’s Holiday.”
Ha! The gag is . . . my sophisticated filing system is a series of Lisa Frank folders and I’m grading so there’s one on my lap as I’m typing. I have no shame.
And yet you are interested in commenting on it here.
No, I’m not tired of it.
Could we replace all photos of Sarandon and replace them with photos of Monica Bellucci?
Yeah, and while I love black-green velvet, it’s frickin’ May
same here, I hope she tripped and fell in that outfit