Thank you for giving Anne Stuart a shout-out! She’s a master of her craft, and it’s a shame she doesn’t get half the recognition she deserves.
Thank you for giving Anne Stuart a shout-out! She’s a master of her craft, and it’s a shame she doesn’t get half the recognition she deserves.
Obviously, that she should buy a boat.
Do you pronounce it “SAR-rick” or “SARE-reck”?
Look, I knew something sinister had to be happening behind the scenes. I was imagining more of a Bond villian-style plan to brainwash us via flashing lights emitted from the app, so this isn’t too bad (comparatively).
She’s from the 29th century, alright. She’s no altruist, though. She’s an antique dealer who goes into the past to find ships right before they would otherwise be destroyed, Freejack-style, and sell them to collectors in the future.
They’re both going through some typical teenage romance angst.
The first two episodes are on Sunday to take advantage of the post-NFL crowd, but then it moves to its regular time on Thursday, which will be competitive to say the least.
Obviously, he’s going to be renamed Captain James Tiberius Kirk. And he’ll always be a little chunkier than her other cat Spock.
..Kelly Faircloth disagreed, wrongly calling Chris Pine a “false Kirk,” instead advocating for Chris Hemsworth.
Can I recommend The Judas Kiss by Sally Wentworth (aka, the most bananas Harlequin/Mills & Boon book ever released) as an appetizer?
We need a sexy Netflix remake to bring it back to the standing it deserves. Judging by all the self-published priest-themed erotic novels Amazon is selling, they’ll find an audience.
I don’t hate Sarandon or anyone because they supported Bernie. I hate her because she said that it would be better if Donald Trump became president after Bernie lost the nomination because it would galvanize people to demand change. That’s very easy for her to say because she’s rich and can afford to survive under…
Lol, with a few adjustments, they could market themselves to steampunk cosplayers.
It must be easier to deal with the consequences of a Trump presidency when you can flit off to Cannes for the weekend.
This looks like one of those dresses you can buy on Amazon that’s sold by a third-party Chinese supplier.
I can’t look at Susan Sarandon without thinking “ugh” anymore.