Lot of incredible capitalist boot licking in your replies here. Love to be abused by the plutocrat class
Lot of incredible capitalist boot licking in your replies here. Love to be abused by the plutocrat class
it’s this. Infinite scab labor. The C-suite will self destruct a studio rather than let it unionize.
As a white guy who’s a 5 on a good day he’s my hero
wearing weighted sweatpants during warmups
“And then Pelosi dropped this little turd on his head:”
we’re approaching 40% obesity rate in the general population. MURICA!
“We need to do something about it but we can’t change anything and we can’t do what works in other places” is such a cowardly piece of bullshit that has survived far too long
what IPA pairs with hot cheetos
Correct, this is a very ‘breast implant havers have cancer more often than average which implies it’s the implants but it turns out it’s the smoking because people with breast implants are more likely to smoke’ kind of statement
Yeah, I came to say this - motorcycles just dump excess charge into a regulator/rectifier that turns it into heat. I imagine any charging system does the same.
This makes infinite sense since he’s so enamored with his own ‘gut feelings’ and so resentful of things like credentials.
I was going to make a ‘lots of people think the civil war was just another, different kind of sports game’ but you beat me to it
:shrug emoji:
“And the children were not spoiled.”
“The expansion was repeatedly blocked by the former Republican Governor Paul LePage, even after the state Supreme Court ordered that the new law would be effective last July.”
He did some weird stuff after Malcom and tweeted even weirder things, I thought he was having a very typical ‘life after child acting’ experience but this explains a lot, and honestly, I’m really happy for him that he seems to be in a stable situation now.
A Dem nominee for pres could really get me on their side if they announce that every one of these suckups that have appeared with Trump during his presidency and who work for the government are on a list, and will be both dismissed from their jobs and barred from ever working for the government ever again
someone on twitter made a similar joke that all these guys were the bald shotgun guy from DOOM
see I could never hold public office because I would say “eat shit you fucking stormtrooper” and I imagine that would get me in trouble
one question: