“Normally this would take years to uncover, and by then all the enriched parties would have enough distance to evade serious consequences. Damn you internet!”
“Normally this would take years to uncover, and by then all the enriched parties would have enough distance to evade serious consequences. Damn you internet!”
“Grifting and Cronyism Much Easier Before the Information Age”
I don’t know why they think that boxing someone in mentally like this is going to lead them to a ‘chaste’ life. Puritan kids grow up to: 1. Break out 2. Self destruct or 3. Stay ‘godly’ and live a life of misery
Based on what I’ve seen of people’s tattoos at large and in collections on the internet, tattooing may be the ultimate applied expression of ‘you get what you pay for.’
the sincere answerer has logged on
I always liked how all the Eagle Talons had black roofs, to better differentiate them from the Eclipses of the same time.
I wonder why they don’t spend a little bit to get the logo parts painted back to the original color and pull the stitching? Certainly that would be much, much cheaper than letting the car continue to depreciate.
I see you put some major stoppers on it. One thing that I find I never want to go back from, is modern sportbike brakes - so good.
... or I could earn glory/under the table money for disabling the star players of the other team by hitting to injure
Oh no man, I’m right there with you. Like, wow what a hit but at the exact same time it’s like imagining a little meter over his head called CTE Expression and it goes from 22% to 26% immediately.
We’re still about 40 years out from deep, poor red areas of the country overcoming their white genocide fear and not voting for the candidate that promises the most reinstatement of ‘Merica (40s-60s white hetero ethnostate edition)
‘For every 1 ‘justifiable’ gun homicide there were:
Absolutely. How are good guys with guns visually different from the active shooter? They’re not. Police rolling up on a running gun battle with 4-40 shooters, one of which is the active shooter. Gun nuts watch too many movies and tv shows.
Honestly I’m incredibly worried that even more Republicans from areas that Democrats for whatever reason cannot contest, will continue to be replaced by Tea Party/Alt Right/Horrid Creatures who have the express mission to detonate the government from the inside.
‘Gonzo’? Like, sex during a Baja 1000 motocross race? Or sex as a cryptid?
These incidents always prove the ‘good guy with a gun’ scenario dead on arrival. Armed cops in a police station couldn’t stop a lethal shooting.
Battlefield 3 and 4 (and 1 from what I played of it) are full of fantastic environmental touches as well - the team at DICE behind this is truly talented. They’re so well integrated and subtle that you need to look specifically to find them, which speaks to how well they are made.
came for this