I love my nerd shit. This is ‘shut in, problems socializing, disconnected’ shit. Then again, I never quite grocked to watching people play games, other than small quick looks.
Ballhawks are ‘simple’, right? Like Lennie?
Wow, really? I thought this was common sentiment. My colleagues at [first party studio] were pretty up front about it. Stories about the PS3 dev kits and firmwares are legendary.
If you haven’t seen it already, take a look at the alternate, discarded opening for Soma - it was going much more in this direction initially.
There was a Wired story on how, immediately, people were abusing Autopilot on Teslas to try to be the first to drive cross country ‘hands free’. I have no idea why my fellow white people love this sort of ‘I (or my kid) will be the FIRST to do this high risk, worthless thing!’
Cutting a branch off the trunk and draining away personnel from the project to make a demo is a nightmare and sucks away at the budget.
That was certainly... some voice acting
I could have sworn I’ve seen a DIY somewhere that with a power tool you could get this result in a very short amount of time
Good thing: art direction in Overwatch is overall great
Also there are *beautiful* woman body builders and power lifters out there that don’t do gear - Zarya looks like you bolted a woman’s head onto a man’s body, or a woman who is using steroids.
My problem with Zarya is the same problem I have with nearly everyone else - everyone GIANT stereotype! In russia, joke tell you! Strong like bear! Vodka!
Yeah - the joke is, she *is* cold, and is chiding Mei into getting her coat. It’s less like flirting and more like egging.
Thank you for your measured, intellectual thoughts. Guns are deadly and should be treated as such (instead of how they currently are treated, like slightly sharp lawn furniture.)
Wow, you’re a total shitheel with a bad attitude and a hair trigger temper. Fantastic that you’re armed. Everything you’ve spewed to everyone else is some of the most inane, childish tantrum I’ve read in a while. You’ve won nothing here except to show by example, again, to everyone, that people who are into firearms…
It’s pretty terrifying. A solid object, like a plank, the tire and suspension will rebound off of, so you may have a chance at keeping it upright after the jump. I feel a mattress will just suck you right in and you’ll fall no matter what.
Related pro-tip: on the highway/freeway, resist riding in the center of a lane. Should there be something in the road, cars and trucks may straddle it without hitting it, which means it will be coming towards you at a rate of speed that might be unavoidable. Ride in either of the tire ruts of the road, which lessens…
How many mattresses have you seen on the highway? I’ve seen like, 6, haha.
System Shock is one of my all time greatest surprises. I didn’t know what to expect going in (I think I played a demo of it off a PC Gamer disc?) and really loved the experience. Some great writing in there, all sorts of endings (whoops, sorry Earth!), and lots of jank. Game is closely related to those Ultima…
if you buy every single game on steam gabe newell will come to your house and talk about knives with you