When you are a paranoid jackass you instantly abandon any position you ever held in the past to find a new one to vindicate your moronic views
When you are a paranoid jackass you instantly abandon any position you ever held in the past to find a new one to vindicate your moronic views
1. Probably way more opportunities to turn racing a car/4 wheeled vehicle into a profession than motorcycle racing which is very niche and
The fans are young.
Don’t do this! Do not demand tributes! You’re wagging the dog. It’s not really *them* honoring if it’s *you* who demanded that *they* did it. *You* honor her - let other people and other collectives make their own decisions about this. It’s self defeating to backseat drive like this.
That was my first ‘hmmm’ moment. College kids? Exoticars? Probably just gifts from mommy and daddy back home where corruption is really rife, but maybe there’s something more to this.
High concept stuff does NOT sell to the most amount of people who usually just want lasers and romance. Everything interesting is sanded down until you get Star Trek Enterprise.
Needs breeches instead of tights.
Kids are putting millions of dollars into games that have ‘heroes’ and no story. It’s cheaper to just make appealing characters and let fans fill in the blanks for free.
this is a bad story and you should feel bad
‘Sadness Factory skips usual 3rd shift of producing sadness’
He should go buy some guns now, before his record makes it slightly more inconvenient for him to buy guns.
“An oil change and tire rotation is so simple you should be able to get it done at a kid’s lemonade stand without worrying about your car being totaled.”
Liiiiike a glove!
Oh, is ‘latinxs’ not a mispelling? Is it a stand it for latina/latino?
I thought it was totally cool.
I like drinking but I think you’re kinda right.
As this is a purposefully created screen, I wonder if there is any signifigance in the volume serial number: 1370 - 2085. Sounds like a range of years. Maybe the settings of some of the games they publish? Does something take place in 1370?
I would actually love to see some good armchair diagnoses regarding the formation of this fetish. What *are* the predispositions for this anyway?