
I resisted this show for months, and I’m glad I finally gave in. It’s not a masterpiece or anything, but it is pretty good and I’m looking forward to Season 2.

I thought he was incredible in Rush. Bruhl was easily the standout of the film, but Hemsworth definitely holds his own.

Yup, Hemsworth can be very, very funny. He was pretty good in Rush as well, opposite Daniel Bhrul (Baron Zemo).

Kylo Ren Syndrome. Fans who envision themselves as total badasses but are really just insecure dweeby wannabees overcompensating for their lack of badassery.

Slow burn. Nice.

I love this group shot of the Justice League:

Me too. As one half of an interracial couple this makes me especially happy. Also, their engagement is gonna make the Daily Mail and their racist-ass readers SO MAD hahahahahahahaha

Maybe, but this is increasingly becoming an outdated concept. Shows are being renewed either for or in preparation of a streaming network.

Hey You. Get the fuck out.

DS9 had a DAMN good theme.

Getting people to respect you in the workplace seems like a good lifehack to me. There are countless articles on here about tips for interacting with people in the workplace. Weird that you chose this one to complain about.

Is anyone else looking forward to Thor: Ragnarok more than any other movie currently? Including The Last Jedi?

They already had a good successor, having Short Round evolve to take Indy’s position would have been nice development that would made him more thean a rather unfortunate Asian comedic sidekick.

The TV-series was OK too.

I’m not really familiar with the royal family rules concerning marriage, but if you must have the Queen’s permission, you gotta ask Beyonce, I guess.

Cept of course the pure determination that saw him undergo daily torture in Kunlun and earn the position of Iron Fist, making him the only NMCU hero who actually earned his power.

I think they’re most worried about telling a coherent story.

And when they die, they go to porgatory.