
Actually, they flat out stole it from the creator who sued and they settled out of court, adding his name as “consultant” in Smallville’s opening credits.

Urgh. Thanks for writing (and posting) this one. I have been SO FUCKING STUCK for weeks now, and I think I just saw a way through.

“We Know Exactly Where all the Heat From the ‘Global Warming Hiatus’ Went”

And cue “Aliens” guy....

My first choice would be Muse. Their discography is basically a rif on Flash Gordon anyways.

It’s not found footage.

I think actually the understanding that Reed and Doom come to in that final conflict is this:

Terribly imbalanced? You mean totally white?

While I’m sure the Oscars will give the big award to The Revenant (god, that movie looks like a slog of misery but it’s stoic and clearly Oscar bait so it will win) I’m glad Mad Max got so much recognition. I like to lie to myself that maybe, just maybe, genre films are finally earning the acclaim and legitimacy they

I’ll tell you, the conversations he’s having with Bowie must sound like flowing milk.

I was in college and married, and one of my close friends, Mark (a fellow CS undergrad), said, “There’s this cool-looking science fiction movie opening next week; wanna go?” So we did (myself, my (ex)wife, Mark, his (ex)wife). I was expecting another cheesy spaceships-and-bad-costumes film, the kind that I had grown

I know right, why its not more popular with people who like super hero, sci-fi ,or cop drama shows I have no idea. Its a batman story (except bruce wayne and batman are too different people), its a scifi show about the origin of AI and its affect on the world, and its a straight up cop drama show this good mysteries

Possibly the best sci fi show of the decade, that’s how good.

PoI is THAT F’ing Good.

By the way, there’s a whole lot of people out there bitching that the new movie is too much like the first Star Wars movie

I love seeing talented people putting a crazy amount of creative effort into their cosplay recreations. The level of detailing on this is through the roof. It must have taken him forever.
As for the movie, I love it and I wish it weren’t so under rated. I can’t help but feel like it would have benefited from a younger,

Movies - Deadpool, Ghostbusters, Civil War and Story of Your Life (I’m big fan of Ted Chiang so I’m very excited about this).

I’m looking forward to US presidential election ending.