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I worked on a talk show for a few years and Fabio was the guest. I was not always fond of talent, but I have to say that Fabio was really one of the nicest guests we had on the show. He was gracious and considerate. A friend wanted me to take picture of them and then asked if I wanted one. I wasn't particularly

I love that Fabio is on the cover of Flowers from the Storm. It's so incongruous, since it's a book about a stroke victim who is trying to woo a Quaker. That book is fantastic.

I grew up on the border of soda and pop. I've lead a very confused life.

Whaddya at b'y

A line extends to infinity in both directions. You're waiting on a ray.

As an undergraduate, mine was the last class to take the MANDITORY slide rule class. But if civilization falls and you can't recharge, I'll still be calculating, so maybe not totally obsolete?

In the too late category:

A few years ago my sister told me that when she and her husband wanted to write notes to one another that their kids couldn't read (something about Christmas or birthday gifts, for example) they'd write it in cursive. It was like some unbreakable Turing-ian code to the kids, because their school no longer taught it. I

Library skills. I had large chunks of elementary school devoted to learning how to use a library catalog - something that digital catalogs have made entirely obsolete. Now you can not only search more responsively, you can search a library's collection from halfway around the world and oftentimes "check out" a

Yes, this, learning to program in Fortran in 1970. The actual computer was an IBM 360 and it was the size of my living room today. Your phone probably has more power. You couldn't actually touch the computer. There were "computer labs" scattered across campus. They consisted of a large room with dozens of card

My mom used a computer that filled the basement of one of the buildings at our alma mater (late-60s?) to run her statistics. Grad students could only get time on it in the middle of the night, so she'd put my brothers to bed, take a nap, then walk over. She said she dropped her cards one night walking over and she

My parents (sorry) were engineering students in the early 70s. My mom still gets this far off distant look when she tells the story of walking around with her thesis work on punch cards and someone running into her.

It might not have been my first time using a computer but using punch cards with one of the college computers was definitely an early experience that stuck with me. You kids with your keyboards, monitors and mice don't know how good you have it.

Curious... how many romance novels from the last five years have you read?

Hell yeah, I'd give anything to see some of Kresley Cole's books adapted. They're more paranormal erotica, but...all the better, you know?

As I told a friend who shared this with me: all those people who wish they lived in a simpler time just may see that wish come true. I, on the other hand, would rather not go back to life before germ theory. I'm not really interested in having to send someone on horseback for a doctor with leeches (who doesn't wash

It's all the will of the invisible poopy hand.

Tillis is, of course, a proponent of small government and limited interference right up until he reaches your vagina, which he would like to see vigorously probed with an ultrasound wand if you need to get an abortion, which of course he'd like to see banned altogether. Of course.