Or Britta Perry’s torrid romance with Subway on Community:
Or Britta Perry’s torrid romance with Subway on Community:
I can’t believe no one mentioned Hormel® Black Label® bacon or Duracell batteries.
Of course Neflix denied it. Let’s just say Stranger Things moved them... TO A BIGGER OFFICE!
Skate on, noble punsmith!
I first saw this when I was about 12 and deep, deep into a Katharine Hepburn phase, and I could not wait to grow up and get glamorously hammered at the office Christmas party.
I think of Adam’s Rib as the quintessential Tracy & Hepburn.
My favorite is the skeleton pointing a gun at the viewer, headlined “Hell is full bitch” followed by the National Suicide Prevention Hotline telephone number.
I’m probably overstating my case a bit and using ‘video game’ as shorthand for CGI that looks great, but doesn’t pass the eyeball reality test. I’m a much bigger fan of the practical first, fill in w/ CGI approach to effects and felt Lucas’ reach exceeded his grasp with respect to what could be realistically rendered…
Agreed. I think Adam Driver in particular does a really great job with the lightsaber fights - he brings a certain kind of raw physicality that makes them feel more real and intense. He almost plays it like the lightsaber has the heft of a broadsword. Maybe that’s not accurate physics-wise, but it makes the fights…
Other people mentioned the pod race and their problems with it, but I’m not even sure I’m a huge fan of the big saber fight. It definitely has impressive choreography but it looks, well, choreographed and not real, and waaaay too flashy. It doesn’t really serve any meaningful role in the story (other than “we need a…
That really calls the emphasis on automated health care in Star Wars into question. They’d be better off with an overeager Webelos Scout with a fresh merit badge than Malpracticebot-9000 that doesn’t notice the aftereffects of a psychic bodyslam.
Now I want the medical droids to be redubbed by Zoidberg!
Apparently the behind-the-scenes explanation was that the medical droids weren’t familiar with human physiology enough to realize that her windpipe was crushed and she couldn’t breathe. Yes, really.
Hopefully, QT decides not to show Manson at all. Just examine the swirling events surrounding him. This would avoid glamorizing him in any way, and I also fear the role might go to Jared Leto, which would be a deal breaker for me.
Am I wrong, or was the “red herring” guy they went to kill the same one that came into the gift shop earlier in the movie and threw things around and threatened Mildred and introduced himself by saying something like “I could be the guy that raped her...no, I didn’t, but I saw her picture, and I wish I had!!!” Maybe…
In Bruges is one of the greatest movies of all time, fwiw
How many times have you been stopped for driving while white or stopped and frisked? It’s 26 and 53 for me.
The movie wasn’t really about racism or violence, it was about anger. Most of the actions taken by the two leads were driven by anger, and any perceived redemption arc for either character was about them learning to let go of their anger, though the movie ends before it’s clear whether or not the lessons they learned…
I am 100% there for Christian Bale with a lightsaber. Hardly care what the character is, good, evil, whatever, but he would sell the shit out of a lightsaber duel.