Captain Mutton

Well, to be fair, if they're actually from those countries I'd say that counts as cultural diversity. As opposed to white Americans who identify with those nationalities for reasons mostly based on paternal lineage.

Ofcourse they did. Because people don't need sleep. It's especially bad for people with babies and small children. You finally get them to take a nap, then a motrocycle goes by (four blocks away) and the kids are awake and cranky.

I had a similar thought earlier today. I saw a youtube comment talking about the anti-racism protesters that said, "[They are] a Jewish sponsored communist group. You're fucking delusional." Psychological projection aside, I find it difficult to not see this as mental illness. It's delusional beyond the socially

FUCK people who choose to ride loud motorcycles. It's the most selfish act that society has deemed acceptable. If they all dropped dead right now I wouldn't shed a tear.

It makes sense that it wasn't Morty. Drunk Rick planned for himself and Morty to portal gun out of there at the start of the whole Saw thing.

I think the lack of comedy is why a lot of people find this season overwrought with nihilism. The nihilism has always been there, but this episode, (And the Mad Max one, at least for me) didn't deliver on the laughs like previous seasons despite it's smart writing and defiance of expectations. And the lack of laughs

It's got to be something like that. As fun as this episode was conceptually, a comedy should bring more laughs to get a perfect grade.

Why not use an astrologist to psych people out, or an mind reading laser? Or those people from that Tim Roth show that can tell when you're lieing by looking at you real hard? If the applicant is dumb enough to believe in crap like that or the polygraph, don't hire them.

From the headline I predicted the number would be way higher or much lower than I expected. If that makes any sense. It was higher.

Minions seem like the were engineered to be that character in the movie that young children love but adults find intolerably annoying. Which is why it perplexes me when adults profess to like them.

Did Tobey somehow age 5 years between the screen test and the actual movie?

No bonobos either. That's ape-racist Hollywood for you.

I think the best we'll get is a few mentions of the events as nods to the people who have read the book. IT has way too much in it to fit into two movies. It should have been a series on a streaming service with episodes of varying lengths so they could get in all the interludes and side stories.

I'm no sexpert, but shouldn't the etiquette for boners at a nude beach be the same as at a bathing suit beach?

Well, at the time, it was comparable to pre second cancellation Family Guy, which was much more toned down compared to it's current insanity. The pilot was also much more broad than American Dad became, and it's not the subtlest show. But I see your point.

That explains a lot. I always figured Fox just gave MacFarlane two shows. And made the first episode Family Guy-like so they could air the premiere after FG and ease FG fans into it as it gradually became it's own thing.

You probably wrote it off after watching the pilot. It was full of cutaway gags and really came across as an extra Family Guy.

Apples to Apples works because the cards are all simple and nonspecific concepts or such. The players create the humour using their wit, or at least absurdism.
CAH is just a mechanism for creating "edgy" hack comedy. "PACMAN unconrtollably guzzlign cum" MIGHT make you laugh once, but it's so specific that it

Considering the typical AV Club review is 50% synopsis, I wouldn't have minded something more substantive at the cost of some spoilers. I personally always read the review after I watch the episode, but I'm mostly here for the comment section.

This is a really short review for eight episodes. Especially considering the pace of the show. Eight episodes in six paragraphs. Seems impossible not to gloss over most of it.