Captain Mutton

It's an excellent parody of sports culture. Sports in general. A movie can parody something other than a movie, can't it? I could argue it's a parody of sports movies, or make a case for it parodying rags-to-riches stories. But the point is: Doesn't have to be in the same medium to be a parody.

Now you kids with your loud music, and your Dan Fogleberg, your Zima, hula hoops and Pac-Man video games…

A famous person claiming to be a flat earther is just a big scam to get a free trip into space. Think about it.

The lack of Baseketball in the article and comments has greatly saddened my soul.

Why do people keep casting Tobey Maguire to play smart people? The dude gives the onscreen impression that he can barely tie his own shoes.

It shows how much I respect the writers of Rick and Morty, that when they went with the cloning angle, I knew they wouldn't stoop to the obvious the clones are the Family Guy family joke.

I'd argue one has every right to layer on top of their own song. And even if it's someone else's song it's appropriate if the visuals added are a thematic representation that adds to the experience, as opposed to simply doing a literal interpretation of the song.

Those were way better than the Louis C.K. animations above. I'm not familiar with that podcast, but it appears that the sound has been heavily edited, added to, and possibly rearranged to create something different from it's original context. The animation was also much, much better and more thought out.

I'd say it's more piggybacking than a film adaptation or a cover because those are instances in which the work has to be recreated from the ground up. Where as examples like the above are just layering animation onto existing audio.


These animated versions of stand up routines, and podcasts for that matter, never really work. The animation doesn't add anything to the bit, because the people speaking are painting a picture with their words. It only really enhances the experience if the viewer has no imagination of their own to visualise what

How hard would it have been to do some colour grading on the Danny McBride parts so that they match? Desaturate a touch, shift a bit toward the blues. It would literally have taken five minutes.

Deadpool only works in small doses, if it all. He doesn't deserve his own movie.

I'm so tired of the "You don't like me, and I don't like you." "I like you." exchange. It's one of those jokes that's great the first place you hear it, but gets tired with overuse. Granted, Futurama did a good version with the unexpected follow up exchange, and having some impact on the situation. But It's tainted by

Say what you will about Sonic Lost World, at least it was trying to be interesting. It looks unique and gamelike. Sonic Boom is just so generic looking. The environments are pretty much exactly what you'd expect from an E10 rated license game, which is basically what it is.

Maybe technology in Star Wars works in a Benjamin Button sort of way. Judging by the droids in the prequels versus the original trilogy, it seems possible. If that's the case any sort of tech left intact from decades prior would be the best thing around.

Slightly disappointed to see so much of the same stuff from the original trilogy. New light sabres aside. Regardless, I got excited.

I got about two minutes into it before I gave up.
I imagine Cyanide and Happiness is like silver age DC comics, in that the turnover rate for fans is so high it's basically an entirely new group of people 18 months later. (I imagine this largely for the sake of my sanity) The humour isn't exactly predictable, but it