
The Fish in The Cat in the Hat should be at the top of this list. I know, in the cartoon it is voiced by a guy but the book does not assign that fish a gender and I would argue it is the ultimate Lame Bitch.

We are set up to hate the fish, when all it does is point out that we don’t know that cat and he should not be

This article reminds me of a quote I saw somewhere that was something along the lines of “You know you’re finally an adult when you start agreeing with the parents in kid’s movies.” Like Ariel’s dad. “But Daddy, I love him!” Um, no, you’re 16 and literally just met the guy. Sit down, and eat your seaweed (I assume

Sally Field in Mrs Doubtfire.

I could not get into breaking bad because of how White treated his wife. He was a garbage person from the jump, and we’re supposed to see him as this hero who takes on the burden of illness by himself by selling drugs. Fuck off Walter. Sorry you got cancer but you’re not an awesome husband(or even decent) for lying to

Also? Ben Stiller’s character, Michael, in Reality Bites. He’s supposed to be the lame boyfriend alternative to hot, inconsiderate, wounded musician Ethan Hawke. Stiller gets dumped on because he has a job, wears a suit, tries to be socially adept, and makes a reality TV pilot that focuses on Winona and her friends’

Omg I have always watched that scene where she “kills the mood out of fear that he’ll spill beer on her Italian silk couch” and thought that would be me. He really would have spilled the beer. I just couldn’t let that happen. I’ve thought about that scene a lot and have tried to work against my calling as a neurotic

Or ya know, suck it up for those extra 20 seconds and have some consideration for people who can’t go up the escalator (because they’re usually steeper than stairs) and needs some extra stability on a potential dangerous piece of machinery.

Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.

Story time! At the seafood “fine dining” restaurant I worked for, I had a four-top of young-ish women who came in at 9 p.m. or so. I knew I was in trouble when they looked at our large and actually pretty decent menu, screwed up their faces and asked for the kids menu. Four orders of chicken strips with fries later, I

I already disliked Arie, but I nearly raged stroke at the way he repeatedly violated Becca’s boundaries in that stupid “unedited” scene. She spent a good 15-20 minutes walking away from him, retreating to other parts of the house, and saying: “please leave” “go away” “leave me alone” “I want to be alone” and “don’t

It was excruciating to watch. But I think Arie stayed because even after all this, he still expected Becca to somehow tell him its ok and make him feel better about it. No dude, you broke her heart, went back on your promise to marry her, and you straight up admitted to being dishonest with her. And you agreed to do

Theres nothing forgivable about broadcasting your ignorance using the same device that can provide a basic breakdown of whatever it is you know nothing about, in less than 5 minutes.

I see Ru’s initial point in a way. At what point are you not doing drag anymore because you are a woman? But I also understand everyone else.

I guess my point was that popularity, keeping a show for 6 seasons, will get you more shows. That shouldn’t be surprising.

Jennifer Garner doesn’t get enough credit for playing the game. In one post she reminded people she’s single (on a night where she looked spectacular), promoted two of her projects, and showed that she can laugh at herself, making her super relatable. Ben Affleck never deserved her.

Since she wants him caught but doesn’t seem to have gotten a look at his plates, I assume she’s going to give every identifying detail she can remember.

Why are drivers such entitled pieces of shit?

So the Twenty two year old girl and the 56 year old POTUS are equally responsible for the pain HIS wife and daughter felt? So you also had no problem with trumps good people on both sides remark right? I mean the married most powerful man in the world and a single 22 year old intern are clearly equally at fault for

Unpopular? The whole point of his character is that he’s a stupid, selfish oaf.*

*at least I assume that is still his character. I haven’t watched in in 15 years because...well, you know.

HEE, I never even downloaded it or signed up. Signed, a cool-ass 35 year old mother of two who only owns one pair of buttoning pants