
“Friends say this move has turned into a nightmare,” the source says. “This is the toughest period they’ve had so far without a No Doubt.”

It’s going to be free in December, it can wait.

Bill Clinton was 49 and leader of the free world when when he had a “sexual affair” with his 22-year-old White House intern. Fuck him.

I’m not sexist, I have have a woman wife!

This could be the stupidest kind of argument. I liken it to saying “I CAN’T be sexist! I have a MOTHER!” If this statement were true, sexism could not exist. Your family has no bearing on what goes on with your own prejudices.

It’s so fucking satisfying to hear her calling out the hypocrisy and non-evidential citing of wives and daughters in these kinds of statements. 

I would never have guessed in a million years that, in terms of the culture wars, liberals would get Nascar and conservatives Harry Potter.

2020, man.

I feel like it was pretty clear that Ellen’s question was rhetorical...

What sucks about this moment is that this *could* have been an opportunity to talk about the real issue of people with adoption regret, or adoption... idk fatigue, in which they are faced with raising a special needs child in addition to the stresses of adoption, let alone transracial adoption. But it can’t be, ‘cause

The clown shoes are for the next time she defends Woody Allen again.

Yeah I’d be rolling out on anyone who straight called me a bitch to my face! 

Nick and Vanessa were PAINFUL even though they were hardly ever there.  They gotta find better hosts and they really have to stop trying to make the phrase “love is blind” happen. It’s the name of the show. We get it. Move on.

I went to see my doctor yesterday for depression. I’m not sure if the nurse couldn’t help herself or it’s a state law or some shit, but after we did all the check in stuff, as she was leaving the room, she told me my BMI and that “diet and exercise was recommended.”

Honestly, me too. The have morbidly obese people Box Jumping in the ads for ffs... Box Jumping... I weigh 200 lbs, athletic and I don’t box jump because its tough on my knees and ankles. I can only imagine what an obese person feels like while doing it.

A friend of mine is losing significant weight right now, and is at the point where people can confidently exclaim about it without wondering whether or not they’re correct in their observations. So I’ve seen her get a lot of “Wow, you look great!” and “What’s your secret??” kind of thing. When people ask her what

Oh holy shit The Swan!! That was fucking train-wreck tv right there. All I really remember is everyone wound up with the same creepy ultra-white Chiclet teeth. Even if their original teeth were fine to begin with.

Aww, pumpkin, let’s find y’all a hobby that’s not silently judging fat people, you li’l creeper!

The only thing worse for body image than this horrible show was The Swan. Remember that shit show?

Sometimes the best thing people can do for each other is not be together. Especially when kids are involved.

Love the comments about he’s a cheater when they a.) met 7 years ago b.) have never once been seen together or linked until now c.) bill hader and his wife split up nearly 3 years ago