
Yesterday I was in grief. Today I am angry. I spent all the months of this campaign biding my tongue while my “progressive” friends jeered at Hillary on Facebook and “amirite two terrible candidates! har har”. I didn’t want to get drawn into it and I thought that Hillary had a silent majority of longsuffering

BUT IT’S BETTER THAN HILLARY, amirite 3rd party voters/non voters??????

Plz don’t respond unless you can detail how Hillary’s 100 days would be worse. Have fun with that assignment.

That’s not helping. I have no doubt America, a large, rich nation with a huge bureaucratic state that has a tremendous amount of inertia, will survive a President Trump. This is about the millions of vulnerable people who will be hurt under a conservative administration that will tear away all semblance of any social

So it was a pushback against the “establishment,” huh? Then can you explain to me why nearly every incumbent Congressperson running was re-elected?

the message is loud and clear: elect LITERALLY ANYONE but a woman to do the job.

Yes, we’ve had terrible elected leaders in the past—but the country didn’t just “survive” as if by magic. It survived and thrived in the aftermath of Jackson, Buchanan, Johnson, Harding, and Hoover because people were committed to working collectively to bring the country back from the brink and then move it forward.

The referendum is clear: Americans don’t like women in positions of power, and will vote for anything at all against that, given the choice.

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?

White women voted in favor of Trump 53 to 43 according to exit polls. White men aren’t alone in causing this mess. White women were right along with them as usual.

Deadspin writers decided to publicly document all the ways they think they are above the election and reinforce the fact that even when faced with actual racist fascism, reminiscent of Nazi germany, white dudes don’t have much to fret about. 

OK there is no way you guys aren’t shading the bro-chads over at Deadspin. And I agree with the shade. Few things more obnoxious than aloof white boys whose aloofness is courtesy of them having no skin in a game that could end with a white supremacist in the oval office.

UGH! You got further than I did.
It was the bro-iest thing I may have ever read:

As a white male with a good amount of privilege, I voted based on what’s at stake for the rest of you, too. How people can’t wrap their heads around that astounds me. There was a tweet I saw, can’t remember where, that went something like:

It’s amazing how many people seem to think that they, specifically, are noteworthy for having misgivings about both candidates in a presidential election. As if most people haven’t felt that way in most elections for all of time. Especially since most people in this country, prior to the past 8 years or so, haven’t

EVERY FUCKING TIME someone comes to me saying that lack of parliamentary representation is the reason American democracy sucks, I point them to France and Germany and see if they think real live Nazis getting a spot in government is a laudable goal. Shuts them RIGHT the fuck up

I wish it was a surprise that all the female staff are upfront about voting for Hillary while a lot of the (mostly white) male staff either aren’t voting for either candidate because they’re not in a contested state or have to “hold their nose” to vote for her.

I will say, in regards to a parliamentary system (which is something I myself wanted for quite a while), to think on this one thing.

It’s astonishing isn’t it?

“Voting is fine, but it’s not enough about me. How can I make it less about other people and more about my perception of myself?”