
Not to mention that his douchey voice may have been even more unintelligible to her over speakerphone. But of course that one line overrode the worst injuries the sexual assault examiner had ever seen. I hope to one day see a word where these assholes would see the inside of a prison cell.

I actually think this rule isn’t that poorly written (at least compared to the rest of the arcane rules. Landing is landing and grazing a player is not landing on him.

Listening to that recording is heartbreaking. Abby Honold is so calm and dignified as she tells her story. And the douche brothers are completely impervious to the horror of what she’s telling them. They just stay focused on the juvenile trap they deliberately set for her.

“Had several people—including Isenor, multiple victims and one very diligent cop—worked tirelessly to see Drill-Mellum prosecuted, he might never have been.”

No it is sike! It’s slang! Yes it began as a misspelling but now the slang term is fine as sike.

There wasn’t a single eye roll, smirk, or cocked eyebrow.

Women have impulses to do inappropriate things, too. Let’s also push back against the general implication that women don’t have self-control but rather lack of desires. No, we have self-control. Because it’s not accepted for us not to.

I have literally no interest in learning more about Gary Johnson, because (and this may surprise you) I think that Hillary Clinton is an exceptionally qualified candidate with policies that I mostly support, who will at worst be like electing Barack Obama for four more years.

But Gary Johnson’s actual policy proposals

“But the reality is that the voters in this country, as a plurality, care more about feeling safe because of a Big Bad Military and paying no taxes, so the reasonable among us are stuck.”

I think that’s what I was trying to imply - America collectively, rather than Steve America in Podunk, Illinois.

Although now that I

“it does send a message that many Americans believe the system is hopelessly broken”

Both candidates are historically unpopular. One is a monster with no discernible human feelings, who takes and gropes and whines and threatens and mocks and hates and spews and looms and sputters and fails and bankrupts and steals and looks at the United States and says, “Pretty nice country you got here, it’d be a

I’ve heard all the arguments and pleas to vote for the lesser of two evils. No thank you.

Because the entire right has been gaslighted to think she is evil, and some even rubbed off on the mainstream. Strong, confident women scare people, it makes it easier for them to believe bullshit. And when you shovel the amount of bullshit they have done it doesn’t just come off.

Remember this:
- A good deal of the

We need to start rebutting “vote your conscience” with “vote your brain.”

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

I’m not sure if you’re being deliberately obtuse or if you’re just overly emotional.

No. I want any person able to vote against him but who is tempted to skip it because they have the sniffles, a new phone to play with, they live in a red state or a blue state so it doesn’t matter,  or some similar idiotic reason, to think of every last one of these outrages and GO VOTE.

The GOP couldn’t use Trump’s extreme misogyny, because I’m willing to be other than Carly Fiorina, every one of the useless shitgoblins they trotted out as primary candidates wouldn’t see anything wrong with what he did. Most of the Republican base (the primary voters) even some of the women, they still think what

Where’s the physical evidence? I can’t even eat Cheetos without being covered in dust, never mind being groped by one...