It’s like he’s a bad person and his eyes are trying to get away.
It’s like he’s a bad person and his eyes are trying to get away.
You could also argue that the officials didn’t see the Dahntay Jones shot, in that they called no foul at all. Every flagrant foul is reviewed by the league, so taking a look at Green’s kick is automatic, all-star or not. Where the precedent comes into play is not so much the Dahntay Jones suspension but that Green…
“I brought the ball over the top this way, he fouled me, and my leg went up. I know my core’s not strong enough to stop my leg halfway from wherever it’s going.”
Warning: the following take is hot; very hot.
Nobody wants to see a playoff series between the two most entertaining teams in the league undermined by a mid-series suspension
I am a pretty conventional super-left liberal, and I was undecided literally up to the point the ballot was in my hands. Even after I voted (begrudgingly, for Sanders), I wanted to ball up my ballot and start again. I just don't like either one of them. But if my primary were still upcoming, I'd be voting for Clinton.…
There isn’t a team Bernie “type”. Shailene Woodley is as far away from me as possible- black, meat loving, thinks crystal magic is bullshit, openly feminist/womanist, can’t stand Shailene Woodley, etc- but I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s annoying as fuck when Hillary supporters just dismiss us, especially since I…
I clicked into this article just to find out who Shailene Woodley is. Funny enough, I watched the first two of those Divergent movies. Still didn’t remember who she was.
You want an example of an attack ad against Bernie?
Hopefully Draymond Green doesn’t wake up tied to railroad tracks.
My friend went ballistic because he thought the CT had open primaries (that’s what “people” told him) and couldn’t vote the morning of.
You’ve nailed it. Never mind this is how conventions operate, and conventions have routinely operated in Nevada. Never mind that the rules were agreed to by a committee with equal representation Sanders/Clinton supporters. Never mind that a significant number of Sanders delegates simply didn’t show up. You have nailed…
I vehemently agree that Sanders has just as much right to influence the Democratic Party platform as Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee (bless his heart).
I think for a lot of us the answer is the problem isn’t that Sanders supporters aren’t falling in line, it’s the way they’re doing it. Digging in their heels and saying they’d rather stay home, vote third or even vote Trump. And you can’t dismiss that as a small number any more. And the fact they are acting like they…
It’s simple, Matt. And I’ll use the most basic examples.
This, again and again.
I don’t care if Sanders stays in the race and I know many of my friends in California are excited to cast their votes. But for me the issue is this: when every Clinton win is “rigged” you dismiss all those who voted for her and perpetuate this narrative that she has stolen the election. So when she does win the…
I’ve never been keen on Bernie, but I did admire, for a while, how he seemed to value integrity and the high road even at his own expense. I could see how that appealed to people. But it’s clear now that he can be a disingenuous, enabling motherfucker just like any other politician. The jig is up.
They think it’s undemocratic because someone posted a video of the vote to adopt the previously-agreed-upon rules where it sounds like the “nays” are louder than the “yays” but the chair says the yays have it. Ignoring that the video is recorded from the middle of a Bernie section, and that of course the shouting of…