
Government assistance does not make an entity "non-private." You've listed a bunch of separate legal actions and assistance from state/local entities to individual franchises (i.e. tax dollars from Jacksonville do not effect the Seahawks Stadium in Seattle) and tried to force some unifying theory. Before you criticize

"means that technically the public are their shareholders."

yeah, not to get all hot takey, but people do really forget all the time that the commissioner isn't really the boss of the NFL. The owners hired him and they pay him. Robert Kraft is Goodell's boss, one of 32.

If a 'rules infraction' is part of your gameplan, that's cheating, with much more immediate impact on the outcome of the game than a couple of PSI. This isn't hard to understand unless you're trying to make it hard to understand.

There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."

"stroke stroke stroke your boat, gently down the fap. Fappity fappity fapppity fap. Life is but a FAP."

It is because its a league with zero integrity. Cheating allegations by contenders, non guaranteed contracts despite being one of the most physically violent sport leagues, shitty retirement benefits, billionaires fleecing taxpayers for stadiums and use relocation threats as a weapon and a league that not only

Shit happens in a sport where the goal is essentially to either maim or knock your opponent unconscious. These are the same critics that will bitch when a fight is stopped early because a ref fears for a fighters safety.

Fans of sport where competitors push each other to the brink of death upset when competitor is pushed to brink of death.

To get a Best Picture nom but not a single nomination in any of the other top categories (acting included) is far less common, though. Now that we're in an expanded Best Picture category we'll certainly see it continue to happen more frequently than it has in the past. But this year's noms carry forward a tradition of

How was Selma nominated for Best Picture but not Best Director, Cinematography, Screenplay?

This is garbage.

Like, why the fuck would she leave her couch there?

Jesus, that manager in the 4th story is a real sociopath. How would it even make your scheduling easier to only plan one night ahead, at 4am? Do people just plain enjoy making their employee's lives miserable, for fun?

Chill out, nobody is doubting your team. First of all, he uses a computer for all of his simulations- do you think the computer is a "doubter"? Second, he has you above Duke. So, ya know, maybe chill out.

I was done after the part with the guy saying "my nigga my nigga" every two words. I just can't deal with that lack of vocabulary.

Is there a "you must be this poor to ride" sign on the Artsy-Fartsy Roller Coaster now?

Other big reason for tanking in the NBA: It's the most deterministic professional sport. This Sloan sports article that said that the NBA has drastically lower parity than other sports (game to game, it's the same as the NFL, but the season is 5 times as long), and that records are more predictable. Essentially,

Literally any of us who sit at our shit desk jobs commenting on sports would give almost anything to be an NFL-level player of any quality - even a benchwarmer - for one game - let alone be someone as good as him.

Rude? Seriously have you seen how reporters act after the game. Shoving microphones in people's faces, asking redundant and stupid questions? How would you feel if someone came at you every day you left the office and asked you quesions endlessly. "How was your coffee break today?", "Can you tell us about the