
haha, i felt the EXACT same way when I watching the telecast last night on TBS... I was complaining to my wife that the announcers seemed asleep! Then after the walk-off, winning hit the producer centered on the A's disappointed left fielder for like 10-15 seconds while the Royals charge the field! It made

Ron Darling can fuck a rusty pitchfork in all orifices.

Everybody tomorrow gets a high five from me. This is such a fucking fantastic thrill.


A meaningful hit in a meaningless game. His underwhelming performance all season is one of the main reasons this game was meaningless.


Good luck in the playoffs...

"Yup...these are my overlords."

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who beat the shit out of black children, and the attorneys who find clauses within the law that allow criminals to continuously beat black children. These are their stories.

As a goalie I can assure you that's a very difficult save. With the speed that ball is coming and your view obstructed by players in front of you any deflection or swerve is almost impossible to stop if you lose sight of it for even a fraction of a second.

FIFA needs to get its mind out of the Qatar.

Dalton was almost killed on that play. I am amazed that teams would be so reckless with a key player.

Just because the QB was not looking doesn't make it a bad hit. The guy hit him in the chest on what he thought was a contiuation of play b an interception. Big deal

Bill Gramatica: /cracks open the champagne

He's got a point. I mean, does anyone really know what order those frames belong in? Maybe Rice was agitated because his wife's unconscious body suddenly bounced up from the floor, headbutted his fist, and landed on her feet. That would freak me out, too!

This is such an utter farce. The fact that Wilson feels comfortable testifying in front of a grand jury should tell us all we need to know. McCulloch is doing everything possible to discourage a indictment. I feel so horrible for Michael Brown and his family.


Sam Adams is objectively superior to Yuengling, it really is. You can call it overrated, you can say that Massholes are obnoxious about it (not in my experience, but then maybe the expats are, I can't say), but you can't say that Sam Adams and Yuengling are in the same class.

Coroner Kick