Yeah, that was the joke. I was being obtuse about the use of obtuse.
Yeah, that was the joke. I was being obtuse about the use of obtuse.
The shooter has the right to the space directly above him and below him as does the defender. Thats why the shooter cant lean into the defender to draw that foul and the defender cant hip check a shooter before he releases the ball. Of course this is the nba where all fouls are "subjective" so i can see where you…
In response to the early Exodus, American Airlines Arena has been renamed "The Kitchen."
or when bosh hip checked danny green in the dick before he released the ball on the final shot which can be seen in the article
Forget leaving when there's still a chance. It's almost worse to leave when you believe this might be the very end of your team's season. Of the top 10 most emotional and satisfying sporting events I've ever attended, probably 3 or 4 of them are bittersweet season enders, when fans applaud the players for a…
So I don't watch much NBA, but how is that not a foul on Green in the gif? Making body to body contact on a jump shot I thought usually gets called for a foul?
That's what is so funny about Chris Bosh. He goes from a consensus top 5 or 6 players in the NBA to the "he got that rebound and hustled on that one play!!!!" guy...purely because he is a bitch.
Let me just pose a question to you: Let's say a girl got very drunk and two boys raped her. The sentence for rape is 10 years. How much of their sentence should be cut because of her culpability? One year? Two years?
I bought some of it, because I'm not aware of any possible way to ruin vodka. It tasted like vodka. I was happy with it. The skull was pretty cool as well, thinking about buying another bottle and encrusting it with fake sticky gems and making it into a shrine for Día de Muertos. Maybe. After I get done…
I have a sweet spot for Crystal Head vodka.
Now you know it's a thing, start looking for it in bars. I swear, so many bars have it, and it blew my mind that I had never noticed the bottle shaped like a skull before.
This should be renamed, "Tim Donaghy makes observations any basketball fan could make."
Future Deadspin column ideas in the mold of Donaghy on reffing:
Jesus. It felt neck and neck, and then South Carolina unleashed the "The Iraq, everywhere like such as." You can literally see her hit her stride and just jump to another level. No contest.
He addressed that to my satisfaction here:
People beam down from the transporter room! I know they don't have to, but if you're beaming security in, why are they hanging out on the holodeck?! GAWD.
Martin will frequently fall back on rather lazy cliche when writing. For instance, he's used the phrase "A smile danced upon his lips." These kinds of formations are peppered throughout his work, and are not employed by writers better known for their prose. That said, dismissing Martin for his prose is to throw the…
Exactly! I'm tired of hearing people say, "I'm not sexist, so what are you complaining about?" As if their simply agreeing on a theoretical level with the ideas of feminism means that the problem is solved and nothing needs to be done. I can *notice* and *be unhappy about* a leak in my ceiling, but that doesn't make…
High and dry in the middle west! How ya likin' "flyover country" now? suck it, coastal snobs!